Chapter 18

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The next morning in form

{Diannes POV}
"Good morning Miss, could I have Dianne please?" Mrs Wilson said, poking her head around our form room door.
"Sure" our form tutor replied. I turned round to Joe, panic rising in me. He gave me a reassuring smile.
"It's going to be about Matthew" I mouthed, "what if I have to see him".
"It's okay" he mouthed back.
"Dianne?" Mrs Wilson enquired sweetly from the front of the room.
"You'll be fine" Joe whispered, smiling gently at me. I nodded before turning back around.
"Bring your things". I pushed my chair out and bent down to grab my bag from under the table. Once I had got it, I stood up and followed the teacher from the room.
"Sit down" she said as we walked into her office. I did as I was told and sat down in one of the chairs opposite her desk. I was more nervous this time - I didn't have Joe with me.
"Okay so I've spoken to Matthew" the teacher said whilst she shuffled through a collection of papers on her desk, "got it" she muttered as she found the piece of paper she was looking for.
"And" I murmured, once again my leg anxiously tapping without me meaning to.
"He denied everything. Now, I know those messages weren't fake, Joe has proof of them and I know his verbal abuse towards you has happened on many occasions - I've spoken to some of the people you wrote as witnesses on your statements. I have been to discuss punishments with Mr Davidson (deputy head) and we have both agreed that he will be in an external isolation for three days, starting tomorrow. However regarding the incident a couple of days ago, I need you to tell me exactly what he said and when Joe came in".
"Okay well he came in and pushed me around so I was facing him. I asked him what he wanted and he said 'just one thing' or something like that. And then he kissed me and was touching me..."
"Inappropriately?" She interrupted.
"Yes. I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't, he's too strong. So I kneed him to get him off me which worked but then he kissed me again. It was really painful, he was pushing on me so much. Somehow I managed to duck down a bit so he couldn't keep on kissing me. I asked him what he was doing and he mentioned it being revenge because I dumped him. He said that because Joe had gone, he could do anything he liked to me and Joe wouldn't be there to protect me. That's when Joe came in. Matthew still wouldn't get off me so Joe forced him to let go. Matthew went to hit Joe as a teacher walked in, I'm guessing from the noise, and saw Matthew punch Joe. They made Matthew follow them but I don't know where they went".
"Is that everything?" She asked, looking up from the piece of paper she had been scribbling away on.
"Okay, I need to speak to Joe. Do you happen to know what lesson he's got next?"
"He's got free first and then art"
"I'm going to get him now before the bell goes. Just stay here, I'll be back in a couple of minutes".
She returned minutes later with Joe and took up her position on the opposite side of the desk. Joe sat down next to me and, sensing that I was feeling anxious, took my hand in his, squeezing it gently. I held his hand with both of mine in my lap; he was like my comfort blanket.
"Joe, can you tell me what you heard and saw a couple of days ago regarding the bathroom incident". Quickly, Joe explained how he had heard me shouting at Matthew and came to find me. He told Mrs Wilson everything that he had heard and what happened when he got in there.
"Okay. Now we want this issue sorting as quickly as possible. We will not tolerate bullying or physical abuse so this problem will be dealt with very seriously. I'm going to go and speak to Mr Davidson now to tell him so that we can arrange further punishments for Matthew. When you are ready, go back to sixth form".
"Can you expel him?" Joe asked.
"I'm hoping so". With that, she stood up from her desk and left without another word.
"I'm so proud of you" Joe whispered into my ear as he pulled me in for a hug.
"Let's go to our study room, I can't stand it in here". I stood up, Joe doing the same, and picked up by bag. We walked to sixth form the outside way; we didn't want to run in to anyone. When we got into our study room, Joe locked the door and sat in one of the armchairs and patted his knees. With a small smile, I sat in his lap and nuzzled into him.
"I'm so grateful for you" I whispered, turning my head to kiss Joes neck.
"I'm just trying to be the boyfriend you deserve to have" Joe replied.
"You did that on on the first day baby". I sat up and turned around so I was facing him, my legs tucked either side of his body. I leant forwards and kissed him. It was like his touch drowned the mix of emotions. Every little bit of stress, anxiety, tension just melted away the more I relaxed into his arms. I pulled away first and rested my forehead against Joes.
"I love you. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for doing all the things a good boyfriend should do. Thank you for saving me from that awful situation. I'm sorry it had to happen but it obviously didn't mean anything and thinking about what he did makes me feel physically sick. I'm so glad you came to this school otherwise how else would I have met you?"

Whilst writing this, I had like the best brain wave ever. So you know how on my other book I was thinking of ending that one and starting a new one. I think I've just found a way of tying that idea in with this!! So potentially, there could be a big change coming. Buttttt it would involve a massive time skip and they wouldn't be in school so maybe I won't??

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