Chapter 19

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The next day

{Diannes POV}
"I've got some notices to read through, shush please" our teacher called from the front of the room. We all stopped talking and turned to face her.
"House badminton period 3, go to the Activities Hall when you are ready. Concert Band 12:45-1:25 in room 87
None of this is for you...A student was given a three day external isolation for bullying, both cyber and verbal". I turned around quickly to look at Joe.
"That's Matthew" I whispered, a smile on my face. He would be away from me for three days and, well hopefully, forever if Mrs Wilson had managed to get him expelled. The bell rang out signalling the end of form. An immediate buzz filled the air as people were standing up to go to their first lessons. Amy, Oti and Chloe all hugged me.
"What's this for?" I laughed as three pairs of arms seemed to engulf me at once.
"We are just really proud of you with the whole Matthew situation" Amy said sincerely.
"Aww thank you" I smiled, doing my best to hug them all back.
"Bye!" They all called as they untangled themselves and left the room. I turned to see Joe pouting his lips slightly.
"You can have a hug later" I whispered, attempting to stifle a giggle at Joes sad face. Jokingly, he brightened up and grabbed my hand, practically jumping as we walked away back to sixth form.
"You are so weird!" I laughed as I closed the study room door behind us with a snap. Putting my key in it, I heard the lock click and moved behind where Joe was stood getting something out of his bag. I wrapped my arms around his middle gently and rested my head against his back.
"This isn't fair!" He said as he got what he needed out of his bag.
"What isn't?" I asked, still nuzzled into his back.
"This way of hugging, I can't hug you back!"
"Well then" I let go of Joe and spun him round. Then I walked forward so our bodies were touching and placed my hand against his chest. I kept walking, pushing Joe backwards, until he fell into a chair. Climbing on top of him, I pushed my lips against his and felt him smile against me.
"You are beautiful" he whispered as we pulled away. I giggled and gave him another quick kiss before I got off his knee. As I stood up, I felt Joe grab my waist and pull me back onto his knee.
"I didn't get a cuddle" he said quietly in my ear.
"Fine" I groaned, joking obviously, and relaxed into his chest, my head resting on the top of his neck. Joes arms wrapped around my middle, one hand stroking my side softly. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door.
"What?!" I hissed, annoyed that someone had broken the moment. Unwillingly, I dragged myself out of Joes grip and unlocked the door. I opened it and saw Mrs Wilson stood there, a stack of papers in her hand.
"Sorry but you should be studying not cuddling" she said with a smile as she came into the room slightly, seeing Joe sat in the comfy chair as oppose to at the table. I felt a light blush rise on my cheeks, Joe give a shy smile.
"Anyways" she carried on, "I have managed to get Matthew expelled from this school. After his three day isolation he will come back for one day to collect anything he needs from his locker, teachers etc. And then he will be gone, for good. There will be no chance for him to get back into this school. I thought you should be the first to know" Mrs Wilson smiled.
"Thank you so much" I said, my voice cracking slightly, happy tears forming in my eyes.
"I'll leave you two too it" she said and backed out of the room. I waited until she had gone before I shut and locked the door.
"I'm so happy!" I cried, "I won't have to deal with him anymore!" Joe sat there laughing at me as I jumped around the room, relief swelling inside of me.
"We should do some work" Joe tried to reason with me.
"I don't feel like doing work, I'm so happy. I won't ever have to see that pig ever again!"
"Uh Di, you are forgetting something..."
"What?" I asked, puzzled, and stopped jumping around.
"He's still got one day here"
"It's okay I can deal with one day, I've dealt with him for almost two years!"
"I'm worried he'll try and do something though" Joe sighed, his brow furrowed.
"It's fine, he won't bother. You'll be with me. You'll protect me if necessary because you are the best boyfriend!" I shouted, drunk with happiness.
"You are positively insane" Joe laughed as I continued to jump around the room.
"Why thank you" I smiled, dropping into a deep curtesy. As I tried to stand, I stumbled backwards and landed with a thud on the floor.
"Oh my god Di!" Joe gasped, "You so nearly hit your head on that table!" I turned to look behind me, surprised that the corner of the table was right next to my head.
"Oh well" I laughed.
"Come here you crazy weirdo" Joe laughed, walking over to where I lay on the floor and put his arms out. I extended my arms towards him and grabbed his hands, letting him pull me upwards. Joe immediately wrapped his arms around me, drawing me as close to him as possible.
"I mean we really should be studying" he whispered into my eye.
"Plenty of time for that" I giggled and kissed his neck.
"Plenty of time" Joe repeated.
"Yep" I cuddled into him as much as possible.
"I love you so much" he grinned.
"I love you more"
"I'm not sure that's possible"
"Trust me it is". The bell sounded.
"Ugh" I moaned as Joe let me go.
"Come to mine after school and we can continue cuddling?" Joe suggested.
"I have no dance tonight so why not?" I laughed.
"Let's go" Joe said. He took my hand and we walked to art together. I'm so grateful he moved to this school.

So this isn't brilliant but I feel bad not having a chapter so I wrote this quickly this morning xx

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