Fear of loss

353 14 32

((Oaks POV wow u guys shocked XD))

Trigger warning: Blood

I was sleeping with Daveed, but when i woke up this morning I found that he wasn't there, I don't understand, he was here just a second ago.

I feared the worst and hoped nothing bad happened.

I immediately got up and got dressed. I got my shoes on and walked outside into the cold winter.

I prayed nothing happened to him. Me and Daveed aren't dating but we kissed and slept together but god damn I want to ask him so bad!

I pulled out my phone and traced the location of his phone.

Rafael's house....

I immediately started running there, who knows what that prick could have done to him!?! I made it a few minutes later to his house and barged in, yes I know I kicked it, but how else was i gonna get in??

((Author: Opening the door u goof. Oak: I Care about daveed I gotta be a total badass, how am I supposed to make him like me? Author: He already does jackass Oak: Oh.....))

I ran around the house, searching every inch of the house, I'm surprised I couldn't find Rafael anywhere? I thought for a while of the places I could have looked. I stopped thinking when I stepped on something wet....I looked down and gasped in shock, bloody footprints that led from the basement to the front door that I came in from. I ran down the stairs until I bumped into a door, "who would put a door in front of stairs, If you trip you are gonna break your limbs" I said a little winded from running into a literal wooden door.

I opened the door slowly and walked down a ominous spooky hallway, it was pitch black so I had to use my phone flashlight to see. I made it into a bigger room. I gasped in shock, there was daveed, blood stained daveeds shirt and there was blood all over the floor.

I almost threw up at the sight of semen and blood mixed together. I threw up in my mouth a little and gulped, 'who would do this to such and innocent boy...' I thought in my head.

I knelt down beside him and pushed some strands of his beautiful curls out of his face, I grabbed my phone and called 911 since the wound gashed in his chest looked pretty deep.

I waited with him for a few minutes and prayed, which reminds me of what chris would do before shows

They showed up a few minutes later and took him away, they told me to go home and come back tomorrow, I nodded and walked home.

How I hoped he'd be okay





There are moments where the words don't reach...

There are moments that your in so deep...it feels easier to just swim down....

You don't have to be scared (davoak story)Where stories live. Discover now