i broke her heart of stone- Natilia Mason the heartbreaker

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Natilia POV ----_-----

i woke up with the worse head ache possible, i had passed out with my with me head hanging off the side of my bed i yawned and sat up, my room was a tip i looked to the pillow on my right it had a note on it from the boy i did last night it wrote 'hay babe last night was the bomb see u in school love liam'. liam? liam? who the fuck was liam i racked my brain trying to think of who this liam was. i finially give up and stud to my feet and stumbled to my bathroom. 'arrrrrr showering feels so good' i thought to myself as i sang along to take it to the head by Rick Ross, Nicki minaj and lil wayne ft chris brown.

when i got out i put on myhigh waisted jeans i got from top shop and a trunkfit shirt my mum got me from vagas i reached for my jordans, i sliped them on and blow dryed my hair and put on some makeup not alot but a fair amount. i reached for my iphone 'ohh message' i said to myself it was from my mum it read 'hai dear im working late again so sorry see u tomoro i left $500 go get yourself somet from the mall, oh and your bro says hai i love you alot see you soon x' 

i sighed to myslef i missed my mum loads she was a entertainment manager and she earned shit loads everyday, so yeah we are really kinda rich i love modeling and shes my manager but she wont let me quit school yet not until im 18 so i can focas on my modeling. 

i texted her back and ran downstairs i was already late for school and mrs macer will go ape shit if i was late for her class again arrgh it doesnt matter anyway its not like im gonna continue with school after im 18, anyways i raced into the kitchen and grabed a bagle and a bottle of water out of the fridge i grabbed the 500 dollar bill off the counter and put it in my 'misfit' backpack i picked up the keys to my bmw x5 and left for school.


i ran down the hall way to mrs macer's class then suddenly i bumped into someone, ' ohhhhhh boi, ' i looked up to see the most beautiful face iv ever seen like woooh my heart stopped for a second, new boy ay, ohh fresh meat! 

's,sorry' he mumbled as hes face turned a dark shade of red

i could have some fun with him ay i chucked and spoke gentaly 'its all good cutie' licking my lips slightly.  he looked down and smiled 'where are u?' 

'err er mrs er mrs macer' he said quitely blushing once again, he was so in to me, or he could of been shy ha nah have you seen me! 

'me too, walk with me...' i paused waiting to know his name   'Tyson, tyson june, you?'  'nat, natilia' 

when we finally stumbled into mrs macer's class all eyes shot up at me and tyson 

'natilia!!!!! where have you been young lady,'

  'showing ty where everything is ma'' i spoke sumgly nugging at tyson who was staring at me blutely almost shocked

'very well sit down both of you!'

i abandoned tyson and went to sit next to a boy in the back row.  'hay baby' i turned to see a boy, very Hench he had a intense face sexy face hmmhmm 'hay erm..'  i paused  he spoke  'liam?, last night'  ohhh shit this is the liam ay i did very well for myself ay! ' erm yeah babe course' i winked at him causing him to blush a violent red.  i glanced over to tyson who i was glaring right at me mortified that some how i had found myself on liam's lap with my hands around his neck, i smirked and leaned in and kissed liam we kissed and kissed and it turned into a full blown makeout tongues and everything he moaned slightly causing me to chuckle  'errhuuum' a voice disturbed my makeout with hot liam, mrs macer, i smirked slightly as she raised her voice 'get up miss mason this instance and sit at the front desk!' i kissed liam once more and walked to the first desk.  luckly i was next to my boy (bestfriend) josh he playfully punched me in my arm and passed me some tick tacks.  the lesson seemed to drag more than normal. 


Tyson POV

i looked over to Natilia, she was sat on some guys lap practically chewing hes face off i was mortified, i guess she must of seen my expression because she smirked slightly.  man she was perfect the way her hair was just all curly and shit and them curves she looks great in a trunkfit tee, no ty stop shes gotta boy, the girl sat next to me nudged me 'dont bother shes a player trust me liam isnt even her boyfriend just a fuck buddy, she doesnt fall in love with anyone, not even someone as beautiful as you,' i smiled at her comment and sighed and focused on class, a part of me didnt believe what this girl was telling me she cant be that bad ay?  

class finished so i headed for my locker finding this was all new to me i got lost a few times and ended up being late, i hurried all my things into my locker and as soon as i shut my locker door i see that beautiful face again Nat, she smirked as my face reddened, she pinned me against the locker my breath quickened she was so close to me, i couldnt breathe.  she reached on her tip toes whispering in my ear 'hay new boy, want a tour guide?' i couldnt stop my head from nodding, how can she do this to me shes something else.  she linked my arm and lead me to the door...

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