I'm Not Alone When I Have You (Ash X F!Reader)

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Requested by Rocketdog6


Swearing, Cursing, and Kinda Angsty in the Beginning 

Ash X Female Reader



"YOU FUCKING BASTARD! HOW COULD YOU, AFTER EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN THROUGH!?" I screamed, at my now ex-boyfriend, Jared. Jared and I had been dating for almost 2 years now, and we had been going steady, with little to no fighting. Alas, with everything good  something bad must happen. Hence, I found him kissing another girl, Heather, in the janitor's closet, and I couldn't be any more pissed. I'm so far from pissed, I don't even know what the fuck I'm feeling. I loved him, so fucking much, and our two-year relationship just went right down the drain. I was so fucking loyal and committed to him, and here I find him cheating in me with a basic bitch.

"It's not what it looks like, I swear!"  Jared said defensively, even though he was half-naked and had several hickies all over his torso.

"How the hell am I supposed to believe that! You know what, I doesn't even matter you backstabbing shiteating slutfucker, we're done! Dont you even dare talking to me ever again, dickhole " I spat, as I rushed out of the closet. I quickly ran into the girl's restroom, just wanting to hide from the world. 

I did my best not to cry, as I promptly enter a bathroom stall. Thinking of all the great memories over the few years, that we shared. The day he confessed his love for me, I thought that we were going to spend forever together. He said I was special and beautiful, all the things I wanted to hear, and it was all just lies. That fucking dick, he was my everything. I guess that I just wasn't good enough and a was that bad of a girlfriend, that he had to find a new and better girl. That girl he had in the janators closet was prettier than me, she was everything that I'm not. Maybe he did this because I came out as Bi just a few months ago.

After all the negative thoughts made me just break down crying, I couldn't hold it in any more. Thank lord, no one was in here, but me. I didn't want anyone to see me at this low of a point, and with my crap luck people would have probably started laughing at me and spread false rumors. I didn't even want to think about that happening, especially with my low self-esteem. I continued like this, crying and overthinking, for a while. I didn't even know how long, all the sobbing made me loose track of time. A few seconds later, however, I heard the bathroom door open. At that moment I stopped everything I was doing. I have little hope that it's not a teacher, since lunch had far past ended, and I was due in fifth period. Then someone speaking broke my train of thought, "Y/N, are you in here. I heard what happened."

I knew that voice anywhere, it was my close friend and short-time crush, Ash. We've been through everything together, and I trusted her more than anyone else in my life. Before me and Jared got together, I had a little crush on her but I never did anything about it. I was scared of rejection and loosing our friendship, so nothing happened between us but friendship. Then Jared came from nowhere, he was attractive and nice, so I agreed to go on a date with him. Ash supported me throughout our relationship, but I could always see the slightest resentment in her tone.

"Y-yeah. I'm in here..." I whispered, slowly opening the door to the stall. As mush as I was embarrest to let her see me like this, I knew she'd want to help me and try to understand my point of view of any situation. After the door fully opened, Ash instantly rushed in to comfort me.

"It's going to be okay. Just let your feelings out, its okay to cry." She continued to comfort me, "That fuckhead isn't worth your time, and he was wrong about you. You're a wonderful girl, that anyone would be lucky to have as a significant other." 

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