Same here(Travis X Fem!Reader)

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For @blobbed



School. There's no point for it. It's just a waste of time and gives us knowledge that we're going to forget in the next few days. But, sadly, it's mandatory because it's the law. I really want to skip school today, but I don't feel like doing that. If I skip one more time, I'll get suspended or something stupid like that. That and my parents will kill me if something major like that happens. I mean they already don't like me, and it's best not to anger them anymore with useless stuff like suspension.

After contemplating my day, I got dressed for school. I put on my classic outfit of a hoodie and jeans, then I go to put makeup on my bruises and scars, so no one thinks little of me.

Once done, I finish getting ready and I head downstairs for breakfast. I see my dad sitting at the meal table reading todays newspaper. I do my best to avoid him while I go into the kitchen and start getting some cereal for breakfast. My dad looks up from the paper for a second, but the look was in complete disappointment and anger. Not an ounce of love, then after that he looks right back down at his paper.

Mom isn't up at early times like this, she likes to sleep in. She apparently needs her "Beauty sleep" she calls it. I mean, she's an ugly person in general, inside and out, so there's no point in calling it "beauty sleep". I could never say that to her face though. She'd get really angry, and probably beat me or something stupid like that. I don't want to have any more beatings, so it's best to keep quiet. I hate them, but they provide all my needs, so I guess I need to be grateful for what I have.

I get done with my breakfast, wash the bowl and put it to dry. Then I grab my backpack for school. "Bye dad, see you after school." I said, opening the door. He looks up on this paper again, glares at me, and then goes back to his paper.

I guess I should consider myself lucky going to school, no parents means no beatings. I walk out of my house, close the door and head towards my bus stop. I stand there for a few minutes until the bus gets here. Since I'm the only kid at my stop, I get on and the bus starts moving again. I sit in my regulars seat, by the window, by myself.

After about 15 minutes of riding the bus, we arrive at the hell-hole called school. I got off my bus, and head for first period, History. Soon as the bell rang the teacher began to teach, which of course I didn't pay attention. Instead, I decided to stare out the window to my left. I like looking at nature, it's a nice escape. I'd like to think that one day I'll be free to explore the world and express myself in my own way, but I know that won't happen for a long while. My parents are too controlling, and they're probably going to make me stay with him, until I can declare emancipation.

I was snapped from my thoughts as the bell rang for second period. I got up and left the classroom, walking to my second period, Biology.

As I made my way to my second period, I saw two boys yelling with each other. I looked at them for a moment and then I averted my eyes away. The boys that went to my school are very amateur and be really annoying, going around and starting fights with random people.

I remembered the two boys yelling at each other. One of the boys, I noticed, had blue hair and pigtails. I knew this boy, because he was in my third period, which was geometry. His name was Sal Fisher and he always hangs out with his weird grouped of friends. I don't know all of them but I do remember that they were all pretty weird and awkward in their own ways. The other boy had blonde hair and a blackeye. I also knew him, he sat behind me in my last period. His name is Travis, he's also known as the pastors kid because he was always handing out these Christian pamphlets. I feel bad for him though, because he always sits by himself at lunch and I don't think he is very many friends, kinda like me but he takes is anger and pain on to other people. He always looks really lonely and sad. I would like to get to know him more but I don't really have the time, due to my controlling evil parents.

The boys were just talking trash about each other and I didn't think they were actually gonna fight, so I decided to continue on to my second period, before the second bell rang.

Time skip to after school

The last bell rang, and I packed up all of my stuff to get read for home. As much as I dread going back to the worse place, I at least have a bed there, so I can rest from all of schools rough doings. I was walking peacefully and quietly, until I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. Curious, I turned around and saw one of the boys from earlier, Travis. 'What does he want' I thought to myself. I had no friends and not many people really enjoyed my company.

"Umm, yeah..?" I said to the violent boy, wanting to know what he might need from me. He didn't say, anything, instead he just gave me the letter. After he gave me the letter he walked away.

I didn't know what to do, but I didn't want to throw it away so I shoved it in my backpack and continued to my route to my bus. I got on my bus and sat in my usual window seat. I looked out the window and waited for the bus to start moving. As my bus started moving my eyes grew droopy, because school is very tiring. I chose to not talk a little nap, because I didn't want to miss my stop, since it was the first one.

After the short bus ride, I walked the short way home.I soon arrived home, and then I went directly to my room. I took off my backpack and school clothes, and changed into my chill clothes. I then wanted to get my homework done and out of the way, so I went to go into my backpack. I looked in my backpack to start my homework, when I started searching for my papers I saw that letter Travis gave me. 'Oh yeah I forgot about this' I thought to myself. So I might as well see what's in it.

What was inside the small letter was something I was not expecting.

You don't know me that well, but my names Travis Phelps. I sit behind you in 7th period. I really want to get to know you and be your friend. You're really cool and I think you have much potential. But I already know something about you, it's not nice either. I know you're getting abused at home, by your parents. I know it's not right, and I would love to help you out cause I have the same problem going on too. Don't think me as a weirdo, but you're like me. So I as hoping you'd understand. We could maybe help each other, well we're at it.

Travis Phelps'

My eyes started to water, because this is just what I need. Someone like Travis. A new supportive friend.
UPDATED: 4/27/2021 7:49 pm pst

A/N- I will be trying to update any and all of my fics that have errors, because this one have MANY errors :') SO I fix all em! I will be taking any suggestions and constructive criticism/feedback, if there's anything I can do to make something better for you, please lemme know!
(1322 words)

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