Part Six. Chapter Four. Alex

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My head felt so thick and heavy and I desperately wanted to sleep.  Only I couldn't.  My eyes lids dropped down for the umpteenth time, despite the fact that it wasn't all that warm in the cell.  The thin blanket at least provided some protection from the draft, but let's just say there appeared to be a serious lack of heating.  Being partially underground, you would have thought that there would be lingering heat from the summer sun soaked into the earth, but I guess some places never stayed warm no matter, how you might wish for it.

I woke with a start, something that I had been doing frequently the whole entire night.  I couldn't sleep.  If I slept, how could I guarantee the babies safety?  The little ones were what I was focused on now, keeping them alive, keeping them safe.  Ironic that less than twenty four hours ago I couldn't accept their existence.  It was like the moment I was put into danger, into whatever this situation could be called, some instinct kicked in and now all I could think about was them.  My children.  Michael's and Eric's and my triplets.  I stroked my stomach, feeling my hand rub over the smooth skin.  And my eyes closed as I focused on my own touch.

"Take the boy some food," came the gruff command of the Alpha from upstairs, startling me awake once more.

"Yes, Alpha," came a meek voice.

"And don't let the Luna know about this."  I heard heavy footsteps moving away from what I assumed was the open basement door and then, after a little while, tentative ones padded softly down the steps.  The bright eyes of a familiar boy appeared around the corner and a smile appeared upon his face as he saw me.

"You are Samuel," I whispered under my breath.  I was well aware of the range that a werewolf could hear.  By speaking so softly I knew only he would be able to hear my voice.  He nodded and indicated the tray he held in his hands.  My breakfast was a bit sparing.  He glanced at the bars then at the tray and the few things that it held, not sure how to pass the food to me.  I glanced over the bars as well and noticed a small gap to one side on the floor.  It was not enough for even a child to squeeze through, but it was fine as long as the food was not piled high... which it definitely was not.

I lifted myself from the cot, feeling the weight of lacking sleep and I moved over to that gap.  He saw what I was doing and bent down to place the tray on the floor, ready to slide it through, but not before he lifted the glass of water and handed that to me through the bars instead.  I drained it quickly and quickly polished off the two slices of toast as well.  My stomach rumbled, unsatisfied.

He sniffed the air about me and his smile grew.  "How is the baby?" He asked as he sat beside me.

"It's triplets," I whispered back.  His small face beamed happily.

"I love babies," he told me.  "I often look after some of the pack babies when their mama's go back to work.  Can I look after your babies sometime?"  He looked so hopeful, that I didn't have the heart to deny him.  I smiled as I nodded, before beginning to yawn widely.  "You should go rest, sleep well.  You look exhausted."

I shook my head.  "I can't sleep," I told him.  "I have to take care of them.  What if something happens if I fall asleep?"  I found my eyes welling up with tears and not just due to my tiredness.  Samuel's eyes mirrored mine, he looked as if he wanted to join me as I cried.  I bit back the array of emotions I was feeling and glanced away from him.

"You wait here," he said to me. 

"Don't tell them about the babies," I begged him and he nodded after a pause.  He disappeared up the stairs and I crawled back to the cot and lay upon it.  A few minutes later, I felt the strong presence of another person and glanced up to see Adriel standing there.

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