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A small groan slipped over my lips as my eyelids fluttered open. I swept my leg over the side of the bed and met my toes to the floor lightly. A shiver went over my entire body as the soles of my feet were pressed against the frigid floor. Glancing out the window, I saw nothing but blankets of white dusting the world outside. Snowflakes danced in the air, swirling and leaping. The trees leaned over in regard to the dance, bowing in recognition for the beauty. A smile crept on my face as the thought crossed my mind. It was clear to me that today was going to go well. 

I shuffled across the room, my muscles still aching from sleeping so deeply. I went into the bathroom to begin my morning routine. With a grunt from the piping, I managed to turn on the shower. The water screeched as it drizzled down. Steam came rolling over the curtain and fogged the room, cloaking me in heat. As I stood in front of the mirror, I saw my features gradually disappear. My long, red hair, pale skin, rosy cheeks... eventually, my eyes were all that was left. I turned on my heel and stepped into the shower. 

I immediately felt my aches being relieved with each drop that rolled down my back. The scorching water felt incredible as my skin turned a bright red in response. I finished washing myself, massaging shampoo and conditioner into my waves, and caressing my body with soap. I stepped out, dripping in hot water, completely refreshed. I dried off, did my hair, put on a light amount of make up, and then left the room to find some clothes to wear. 

Stepping back into the room, the floor no longer felt intolerable, but rather soothing on my fevered toes. I found a long, gray sweater, dark, blue jeans, and knee-high, brown boots. Putting them on, I felt almost complete. Looking through my luggage, I found exactly what the outfit needed: a blue infinity scarf that was unbelievably soft and snug. I put the scarf around my neck and did one last check in the mirror. Pleased with my attire, I left the house, grabbing my purse, hat, and coat off the hook as I walked out the door. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"May I please have a white chocolate, mocha latte with extra cream please?" I asked the girl behind the counter. She only smiled and nodded as she punched in the order. The smell of coffee, cinnamon, and cream filling my nostrils, making me quiver in delight.  

"That will be four pounds please," the girl declared as she finished her calculations. I put the coins in her hand as she printed a receipt. A boy came up behind her to look at my order that was printed out in front of her. He skimmed over the writing and then got busy with making the coffee I desperately needed. He worked, being fastidious with every detail going into my drink. I appreciated the effort. As he placed the small cup on the counter, I dropped a coin in his tip jar. He smiled in thanks and got to work on the next order. 

I strode over to a table in the back of the shop and took a seat facing the window outside. I enjoyed watching people walk the streets of London. Everyone always seemed so put together and calm, despite the rushing traffic and beeping horns. Today, it was an even better time to admire the elegance of the city, because it was coated with fresh snow and dotted with Christmas lights. 

I took a sip of my latte, and just as I did so, the bell rang, indicating the arrival of another costumer. I automatically looked at the door out of habit, and I was thankful I did, because the person who stepped through the entrance was a boy. He instinctively ducked as he stepped through the door, even though he was far from hitting the frame. I watched as he ordered his drink and stood waiting. I was intrigued by the way that he slouched slightly at the shoulders, pointed his toes in and lightly rolled onto the outside of his feet, tucked his arms in front of him, and looked around uncomfortably. It seemed as though he was trying to make himself as small as possible, though I couldn't understand why he would feel it was necessary to do so. 

I didn't realize I was staring until his body turned to look for a place to sit and his striking blue eyes landed on me. He gave me a half grin and marched over to my table, sliding in the booth across from me.  

"Hi. My name's Luke," the boy said with a thick accent. It only took me a second to place it as Australian. I was completely dumbfounded, and my mind blanked out. 

My next words came tumbling out of my mouth in stutters. "My... uh... my name is Beth." 


AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, this is the first part of the short fanfiction I am writing. I have another story for Ashton, if you want to check it out, but it's not very good. I'm not happy with how that one turned out. Anyway, thank you so much for reading this. I would appreciate any feedback and voting is ALWAYS appreciated. Thank you so much. 

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