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"So, how long have you been touring?" I asked Luke. 

He shrugged in response, smirking a bit. "We started touring a few years ago, but it was really small. We went to a few places here and there and opened for a few people. However, recently, we started a tour with One Direction."

At that statement, my mouth fell open. I wasn't super wild about the band, but I knew how famous they were. For them to show an interest in Luke's small band from Australia was a huge deal. I wasn't sure what to say, so I only smiled and nodded. Luke and I were currently in a book store, snooping around. It was a small shop on the corner of a tiny street I didn't know the name of. It sold used books, and smelled like mocha, old pages, and worn ink. The smell was alluring and intoxicating. I smiled and roamed around the shop while Luke stopped to look at a small book about England. I turned around to another bookshelf and got lost in the sight. So many books looked appealing, I couldn't choose just one to look at. I pulled a few from the shelves and then sat on the floor. I started flipping through the pages. One of the books was a poetry book, the others were fictional books that I could've gotten lost in forever. 

As I finished looking at the poetry book, Luke came sauntering around the corner, grinning at me. "Are you ready to get going?" He asked, a sheepish grin spreading over his entire face. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes crinkled. Every part of him looked indescribably perfect. I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head and nodded. He held out his hands to help me off of the ground. I expected him to let go, but he kept one of my hands in his. I made no move to pull it away. The bell over the door rang as we stepped out into the frosty streets of England. 

I shivered and pulled my jacket further over my torso. We walked for a while more, and I had hoped that I would warm up a bit when I walked, but after about 30 minutes nothing had changed. Luke looked down at me, a worried expression on his face. "Are you cold?" He asked. 

"It's fine!" I tried in vain to get my teeth to stop chattering. He scoffed and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his coat around the both of us. Somehow, through all the chill, he had remained warm. I gratefully placed hands around him, allowing his body heat to thaw them a bit. We walked awkwardly like that for a while. We kept bumping against each other as we took a step, laughing every time. 

"This isn't working!" He chuckled. 

I giggled in return, and then pulled away from him, lacing our fingers back together. "Is this better?" I smiled. 


I looked up at his piercing blue eyes quizzically. He understood my question without me having to ask it. 

Luke looked down at his toes and his face flushed a light shade of red. "I, uh..." He didn't finish his sentence, because before he was able to, I pulled myself back into him, hugging him tightly. I felt his hands rest lightly on my back and he placed his cheek on top of my head. I smiled and felt my lips brush across his shirt. My stomach fluttered and I felt his cheek pull up into a grin. I let my eyelids droop shut as I took in this moment. I had met a boy maybe 12 hours ago, and here I was, hugging him and holding hands. It was a story from the movies, and I couldn't believe it was happening to me. 

As we pulled apart, Luke took my hand again. "Where are we going now?" He smirked. 

I looked around and realized I had no idea. I couldn't take him anywhere touristy, and it was starting to get late. It was then that I realized the sky had gone from a beautiful gray, to a fiery orange. The sun was setting. Suddenly, I knew exactly where we were going. It was the perfect place to end our day before Luke left. 

A sinking feeling crashed down on me as I remembered that Luke was leaving soon. I had grown to enjoy his company in the short amount of time we had spent together, and I really didn't want him to leave. I had never liked a person so much in my life. What if this was meant to be? What if Luke were "the one" and I was letting him get away from me? Crazy thoughts continued to bounce around in my mind as we headed to our next destination. 

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