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"Luke!" I laughed uncontrollably at the boy's actions. After walking for an hour or so, looking at all of the little shops and taking pictures with our phones in front of various Christmas trees, displays, or decorations, I had mentioned that my legs were tired. I had expected him to suggest that we stop for a minute, which was really all I needed. Instead, Luke had placed a hand on my back and literally swept me off my feet so that he could carry me princess-style through the streets of London. "Luke!" I said again, slightly more hysterical from laughter. 

"What?" Luke smirked. He knew exactly what, but I could tell he had no intentions of putting me down. 

"Luke, I'm really heavy! I'm going to crush you!" I screeched happily. I wasn't a super large person, but I was not small either. I was a size 9 jean and weighed 150lbs, and that was enough to make me really self conscious. 

"Oh please! You are anything but heavy, Beth! And if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were insulting my incredible arm muscles," Luke said, smiling like a little boy. At that we both started laughing again. His laugh was a deep giggle that exploded over his entire body as he tried to contain it. His face scrunched up in the effort and I could feel his abs tightening against my side. It was beautiful. 

"We look ridiculous right now!" I commented as I took in the sight. Luke was a tall, not quite lanky, but long-limbed, Australian, walking the streets of London carrying a 5'4" girl like she were royalty. Both of us were laughing and smiling like idiots. It wasn't at all obvious that we had just met in a coffee shop, because anyone who looked at us would've thought we had know each other for years. I decided to cherish that moment for everything that it was. 

"Where are we going?" Luke asked cheerfully once we had calmed down enough to form actual words. 

"Turn left on this next street, then just keep walking straight for a while," I said, rolling my eyes at the fact that I was being carried around rather than just walking myself. My legs weren't tired anymore, but he refused to put me down. I wrapped my arms delicately around his long neck. I could feel his broad shoulders against my collar bone, and my stomach fluttered uncontrollably. For a split second I felt like I would vomit, but the feeling passed almost as quickly as it had come. I didn't know why, but Luke made me so nervous. It was unlike anything else I had ever experienced. 

"Are you going to tell me what we are doing?" Luke asked. I could tell he liked the mystery of it, and it probably made him a little excited because I could see his smirk working it's way across his face. 

"It's a surprise," I said playfully. Despite my nerves, I still flirted effortlessly with Luke. I looked at his mouth. His piercing only added to the appeal of his soft, red lips that looked so kissable. I looked away quickly, being sure that my eyes didn't linger too long. He didn't seem to notice. 

"So where are you originally from, Beth?" Luke asked me, trying to keep conversation going. 

"I'm originally from Maine. I moved here about two years ago," I replied. 

"And, why did you move here? I'm going to keep asking questions because I only have a day to know you, and that time is precious," Luke smiled at me. 

I laughed softly before answering. "I wanted a change of scenery. I like to write, and so I thought London would be a good place to pursue that dream." 

"Have you?" Luke asked me. I really enjoyed how interested he actually seemed. It was clear that he wasn't asking the questions to impress me, but rather to actually learn more about me. 

"Not yet," I said. "But enough about me. How about you?" I asked. 

"What about me?" 

"Well, let's start with the basics. What are you doing in London? What are your hopes, or goals, or whatever?" I asked. All flirtatious tones had left my voice and were replaced be sheer curiosity. 

"I'm on Christmas break with my family and three best friends. Well, my friends are arriving tomorrow before we all leave," Luke said. 

"Wait a second. Why are they flying to London, only to leave right after?" I asked. I was puzzled by the lack of intelligence in that decision. 

"We're in a band..." Luke said quietly. I could tell he was worried about those words, but I didn't understand why. I asked him my thoughts. 

"I don't know why I'm worried about that. I get a lot of fans who pretend not to know who I am, or people swarm me with letters and things to sign. It's really stressful, so I wanted to find a place to just escape it all. I figured London was busy enough that I wouldn't get noticed too often," Luke answered. 

I simply nodded as my heart began to break for this boy I only met a few hours ago. At first glance, he looks sort of intimidating and masculine. I realized now that he is really a tall, fragile person full of fears and doubts like all the rest of us in the world. I felt sorry for him, and how he had to choose his vacation spot based on the likelihood of getting recognized. It wasn't fair, and for some reason, I was angry at the world for going against him in a way. It was Luke and me against the universe. Despite our chances, I still felt good about it. 

"Well, you won't get any of that with me." I raised my hand in a boy-scout solute. "I swear that for twenty-four hours you will not have to worry about me mobbing you, tearing at your clothes, or asking for an autograph." I was surprised that the news of Luke being a famous artist didn't come as much of a shock. Of course it wasn't expected, but the news made me feel closer to him rather than more distant. It felt like it was our little secret binding us together now. For some reason he trusted me with this, and I decided to hold that close. Luke was famous and had to leave the next morning to go on tour. With that thought in mind, I mentally vowed to make this the best 24 hours possible. 


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you for reading! It really means a lot. I'm excited about where this story is going, and I hope my readers are enjoying this as much as I am enjoying writing this. Thanks so much! Love you Lots!

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