The Book

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"So how long have you been touring?" Beth asked me. Her hazel eyes looked into my own, plain blue ones. I tried to hide the smile that threatened to escape as I stared at her. She was truly gorgeous. Her hair fell perfectly down her back and around her shoulders. Her eyes were full of light and expression. I could tell when she was worried, surprised, curious, or anything else she felt, just from how her eyes changed. They were a shade of green that was splattered and tinged with a golden brown. Her teeth were small, and slightly crooked, but not enough that one may think she needed braces. Her smile spread across her entire face and showed in every part of her being.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused on the question she asked me. "We started touring a few years ago, but it was really small. We went to a few places here and there and opened for a few people. However, recently, we started a tour with One Direction," I responded reluctantly. I didn't want to share all about my band or anything, because I was afraid that she would treat me differently or start freaking out about One Direction. She remained surprisingly relaxed about it all. How was she so calm?

I noticed her mouth hang slightly as she heard "One Direction" leave my lips, but other than that she remained neutral about it all. I was pleased by her reaction, and started fumbling around for a book to look at so as not to show my blatant reaction. I didn't want her to think I was a crazy person that fell in love with a girl after only a few hours. Beth turned the corner and started looking at the books on the other shelves. I looked around and found a book full of pictures and maps of England, and more specifically, London itself. The book sparked an idea, and I quickly purchased the book before Beth could notice. When I was done, I started walking around the tiny shop in order to find her. 

When I did, I stopped suddenly. She was sitting on the floor, hunched over a book. Her eyes were lit up with excitement as she flipped through the pages swiftly, devouring the information. She seemed blissfully childish and content. I envied the simplicity of her happiness, and realized that it was something I wanted to be able to give her. I realized that I wanted to be the one to hold her hand, and hold her when life got difficult. I wanted to heal her pain and be there when her dreams came true. I wanted her, and I wanted her to want me. 

I started to walk towards her, hoping she hadn't noticed me staring. "Are you ready to get going?" I asked, smiling from seeing her jump slightly. I had clearly interrupted her, but she didn't seem to mind. She nodded in response to my question, and I helped her stand up. As soon as her hands touched mine, my heart beat faster. He hands were so small in my own, and I loved it. When she was standing on both feet, I let one hand fall, but left the other there, and intertwined our fingers together. I was surprised and thrilled that she didn't remove her cold, dainty hands from mine. Was it possible that she liked me too?

We left the book store and stepped onto the snowy streets. I loved all of the Christmas lights that were strung everywhere. It must be beautiful when it's dark, and I hoped that were still out to see them later on. 

We walked for what seemed like only a few minutes, but in reality was probably about half an hour. Beth was shivering and her teeth were clattering together in her efforts to get warm. "Are you cold?" I asked. 

I saw her try to look and act warm as she replied. "It's fine!" She smiled, but failed to hide her chills. I grunted in amusement at her efforts, and then pulled her into my jacket with me. Normally I would've just given her my jacket, but I didn't think that walking outside in this cold wearing only a short-sleeved shirt was a good idea. Besides, I really didn't mind having Beth this close. She was so small and fit perfectly into my embrace. I had only met her a few hours ago, and already I wanted to spend all of my time getting to know her. I was very tempted to ask her to be my girlfriend right then and there, but I didn't find it fair for Beth to have to put up with my crazy schedule, press, and constant moving around. She has her own dreams, and I want her to be able to pursue them. She deserved so much more than I what I have to offer. 

As our walking continued, we kept hitting up against each other, my hips bumping against her side, and her hips bumping against my thigh. She was so much shorter than I was, and it was frankly adorable. We laughed every step, and my stomach started to ache. I didn't want the moment to end. Eventually I realized it may be uncomfortable for her. "This isn't working!" I exclaimed through my uncontrollable laughter at how weird we were. She laughed in response and pulled away from me. I immediately felt the area where she had been as a sudden cold seeped through my shirt and jacket. I felt lonely without her there, even though she was still standing right next to me, with her hand in my own. 

"Is this better?" She asked, smiling at me. Beth has this incredible smirk that she got when she teased me, where you could see her real smile being suppressed. This was the expression she wore then. 

"No," I responded bluntly. I didn't want her to leave my arms. It was lonely and made me feel empty inside. 

Beth looked at me, puzzled. I could tell she wanted me to expand, but I couldn't tell her what I was thinking. "I want you to come back and spend forever in my arms. Let's buy an apartment together, and wake up every morning to make scrambled eggs or pancakes. Let's get a dog and later, maybe even kids. Let's learn everything about each other, and fall in love. I don't want you away from me. You are my dream. No matter what I accomplish musically, I just want you." She would think I were a crazy person and probably leave right then, afraid for her life. I knew it was crazy, and I knew that it was way too fast. I had just met Beth, and I still didn't know nearly enough about her. She just gave me this feeling that was something I loved more than anything. She made my insides hurt knowing that she wasn't mine. I wanted her, and I wanted her bad. 

"I, uh..." Before I could finish speaking, my breath was ripped from my mouth as she pulled me back around her and wrapped her arms around my torso. I was complete again. Gratefully, I put my hands on her back and put my cheek on her strawberry blonde hair. It was so soft and smelled like roses. Was there anything about her that wasn't perfect? 

I felt her lips curve into her flawless smile through my shirt, and I immediately smiled with her. Though I knew I shouldn't have thought it, I couldn't help but wish my shirt weren't in the way of her lips. I quickly let the thought vanish in my mind, knowing it was wrong and inappropriate. 

Suddenly, I remembered the book in my jacket. My eyes opened wider than I thought was possible. I couldn't have her find it. If she did, everything would be ruined. I lightly pulled away from hug, regretting it as soon as I no longer felt her against me. I grimaced. "Where are we going now?" I tried to smile, hiding my worry that she felt the book that wasn't there earlier when I carried her. She would surely know something was up if she had. I prayed she hadn't. 

Apparently my prayers were answered, because she didn't seem to notice. And if she did, she didn't seem to care. Beth looked around. I could see on her face that she was thinking. Perhaps she didn't know where to go either. Before I could think of a place to suggest, she pulled on my hand, leading me down the street. I realized it was getting late, so I assumed this would be the last or close to the last place we went. As I was reminded of what was ahead, I grew sad. I wouldn't show her, but I didn't want to leave. This was the best day I've had in a long time. It was something that I never thought would happen to someone like me. I'm nothing special. I don't have anything to offer to her but stress and a hectic schedule. I didn't want this day to ever end. I didn't want to leave Beth, and possibly never see her again. I couldn't bear the thought. 

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thanks so much for reading my story this far. I know that the events in this chapter were the same as the last, but I wanted you guys to be able to see things from his point of view. As you can see, things are starting to sort of fit together, and the story is developed and ready for the conclusion/ending soon! I'm sorry I didn't write for a long time. I didn't have my laptop and school started so I'm trying to keep up with that and writing this. Anyway, I'm hoping I don't spend that long to write again next time. Thank you again! Love you lots! 

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