Chapter 10

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I'm sorry this took a while, but this was very painful to write. You have been warned. A lot is about to happen. Prepare yourselves.
Approximately 2 years later. Mika and Yuu at 12 years old.
Mika's POV
I sat at the window behind our couch waiting for Yuu-Chan to come over. The other day we made the realization that I only visited the orphanage, but he never came here. So today he's coming to my house for a sleepover, and I couldn't be more excited.
   I thought all the fun things we could do together, and was completely lost in my planning. A voice sounded behind me making me jump, "Mika~. Excited for your precious Yuu-Chan to arrive." I turned to him with a scowl, "Yes, actually. I am." Ferid smirked and said, "Good, me too."  "Pedophile," I muttered under my breath.
   I glared at him as he sauntered out of the living room. God, he's such a creep. He can be cool sometimes, but other times he makes you want to bash his head into a wall. Thankfully that's what Krul is for. I turned back around to the window to see the Hyakuya Orphanage van pulling into our driveway.
I jumped off the couch and raced outside. Yuu hopped out of the van, and I smothered him in a hug. "Get off!" he pushed me away. I giggled and was about to retort when I was suffocated by a hug. "Hello Mika. It's been so long since I've seen you!" I smiled when I heard who it was, "Miss Sayuri." Sayuri was always the nicest and most doting of all the volunteers. It was great to see her again. Honestly, she was a lot like a grandmother in a lot of ways. She reminded me of the old lady next door who helped me when I was with my parents, except a lot younger. We engaged in small talk, before she hugged Yuu and me goodbye mumbling something about running errands.
   I dragged Yuu inside to be met by Krul and Ferid in the entryway. Krul smiled welcomingly, "Hello, Yuu. It's good to have you over." Yuu stopped for a second, probably remembering the manners Shigure shoved into our heads 24/7, until he said, "Thank you for having me." Krul gushed, "He's so polite!" The boys cheeks darkened slightly at the compliment. Ferid smirked and sauntered up to Yuu placing a finger under his chin pulling his head up, "And cute." Yuu slapped his hand away, and took a few steps back towards me while I glared daggers at him. He chuckled turning to me, "No wonder you like him so much." Both of us turned bright red, but before I could do anything to him myself, Krul grabbed him by the ear. "Excuse us," she said to us through clenched teeth as she dragged him to the next room. Through the wall we heard various noises: bangs, cries of help, and shouts including, "Was that anyway to treat our guest", "You insolent pig!", and "When are you going to learn to be a decent person?!" I laughed while Yuu stood there looking shocked with horror stricken across his face. Stilling laughing I reassured him, "Don't worry, he's fine. Even if he wasn't, the creep deserves it."
Yuu seemed to calm down, but he still looked worried. I took him on a house tour showing him every room and anything interesting in it. We ended at my room, and when we entered I asked, "Isn't the color pretty?" My companion nodded as he looked around.

    "Mikaaaaaaaaaa," Yuu whined. "Yes, Yuu-Chan?" "Can I play that one really fun game on your phone?" He pleaded. Sighing I handed him my phone. Krul and Ferid bought me a phone for my last birthday, and since Yuu can't have one because the Orphanage can't afford it, I let him play on it sometimes. Yuu shortly after became addicted to Crossy Road.
   "Dammit!" Yuu cursed. He must have died in the game. I frowned, "Yuu-Chan, you shouldn't say that." Yuu has been learning cuss words from Kimizuki, and I don't approve of it. "Sorry," he said half heartedly. Yuu must have died again, because he yelled, "Fuck!" "I warned you!" I snatched the phone out of his hands. He tried to reach for it, but I ran off with it. He chased me around the house until I was cornered in my room. Yuu still was a ways behind me, so I quickly hid in my closet. He sprinted into the room, but stopped when he noticed I wasn't there. Before he figured out where I could have gone, I jumped out and tackled him onto my bed. We laid next to each other laughing and panting on the bed.
When we finally caught our breath we sat up. "Have you learned your lesson, Yuu-Chan?" I asked the boy. He smirked and replied, "Fuck no." I sighed and facepalmed. After a moment of silence, Yuu piped up, "So what now?" I shrugged, "I don't know. Im really tired now, so let's not do anything requiring movement." Yuu hummed as he thought, "Well, we could just talk." I nodded, "What did you want to talk about?"
Yuu took a deep breath, "I might get adopted." A smile spread across my face, "That's wonderful!" Yuu shrugged, "I guess." He seemed to be almost sad about it with his eyes downcast and a blank look on his face. My brows furrowed, "You don't want to?" His face tightened as he stopped for a minute, "I don't know; I'm just kinda nervous I guess." I grabbed his hand saying, "Yeah it is pretty nerve wracking, but it's pretty great to have parents that genuinely care about you." I gave him what I considered to be a million dollar smile and he returned it, "Yeah, that sounds pretty great." "So, have you met them yet?" I questioned my friend. He nodded, "Yeah, they seem like a pretty standard couple. They're unable to have any kids of their own, so they want to adopt." "That makes sense, what are their names?" "Mahiru and Saito Kijima." We continued talking about it until I remembered something.
   "Yuu-Chan, I almost forgot. There's this new game I got that I really want to show you." "Okay," he agreed. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room. I set the game up  and handed him a controller. We played for a long time, and eventually Ferid even joined us. He kicked our butts, but it was fun having another player. Krul came started dragging Ferid away saying that he should leave us alone. She also advised us to go to sleep. We secretly continued playing until we fell asleep with the TV still running.
About two weeks later
Mika's POV
   The wind blew my hair behind me as I walked to the park. It was a sunny day with only a few thin clouds and a light breeze. The spring air smelled like pollen making me sneeze a few times, but I didn't mind. I was simply enjoying a beautiful day that could only be better if Yuu-Chan was here.
   Unfortunately, he was at the orphanage with his soon-to-be parents finalizing the adoption process. He wouldn't move in with them for another week, and I was going to spend as much time with him as possible. He had to switch schools, so we wouldn't see each other as much. We promised to stay touch, and I even convinced Krul to buy him a phone so we could see each other at any time. It made me sad that we would be farther apart, but I was glad he found a home. I've wanted that joy for him since I was adopted and learned about how nice it is to have a true family.
I walked around the corner to see the park. It consisted of a small playground, a field with soccer goals on each side, and was surrounded by trees. I made my way over to the playground portion and sat down on a swing. I rocked back and forth watching the other people around me. There was a kid flying a kite in the field and a family with two very young kids playing on the slides of the playground. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds around me as I swung back and forth. I could hear laughter accompanied by the rustle of trees and the chirping of birds in the background.
Suddenly I heard a yell coming from the field, "My kite!" I turned to see the little boy in the field had gotten too to the forest. His kite was tangle in the branches of one of the trees. I looked to see the other family had left. Th boy had started crying, so I stood to go help. I went over and crouched down to the little boy's level, "Do you need help; where's your parents?" The boy replied through sobs, "Mommy went to the store, but my kite is stuck." I frowned at the parent's irresponsible action. Who just leaves there kid at a park alone? I smiled at the child, "Don't worry I'll get your kite. You stay here."
I made my way over to the tree. The kite wasn't very high up, and there was plenty of branches on the way up. I began to climb the tree, but when I looked down, I notice just how high up I was. I gulped, but the kite was only a little farther so I kept going. I was finally at the same height as the kite, but when I reached for it, my fingers were inches away. I slowly inched my way closer. Finally, I grasped the kite in my hand.
I untangled the string from the branch and let the kite float down to the little boy below. I smiled when he caught it and yelled, "My kite! Thank you, mister!" A voice rang out in the distance, "Charlie, where's your father? He was supposed to watch you while I went to the store!" The voice, who I assumed to be the boy's mother, startled me.
   I could feel myself slipping and clawed at the branches for a place to hold on. I successfully wrapped my hands around the branch and I managed to get one leg around it as well. I sighed in relief as I attempted to pull myself back up. Before I could, however, I heard a crack. I looked to the source which was a break at the base of the branch close to where it was connected to the trunk. All I could process was the horror of there's no way I'm gonna get off this branch in time. Sure enough, the branch broke, and I found myself hurtling toward the ground. Pain shot through me twice. First, when I hit the ground; then, when the tree branch fell on top of me.
   I felt like I couldn't breath and pain sprouted all throughout my body. My mind didn't seem to process anything as I laid there. I heard voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. The world seemed to spin around me as my vision faded.
   Suddenly, something was pressed to my mouth. Warm, thick liquid entered my mouth and slid down my throat. As it did, my body burned. My eyes shot open, but I couldn't see as I screamed. My body felt like it was on fire and was being cooked alive. Complete agony filled me, until it abruptly stopped. I panted as all pain ceased from my body. Darkness engulfed me almost as soon as everything stopped.
Yuu's POV
   The words were like a knife stabbing into my stomach. "Mika's... in... the hospital?" I murmured. Ms. Sayuri wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry, honey." I just stood there staring at nothing trying to process what it meant. When it hit me, it was like someone took my emotions and ran over them with five semi trucks. I could feel horror mixed with panic rush through me, "Can we go see him?!" Ms. Sayuri gave me a sad look shaking her head, "He's in critical condition, and the doctors won't let anyone see him. They won't even let Krul and Ferid in to see Mika."
   With just that one piece of information the tears started flowing. No sobs came out, though, just tears streaming down my face. "Is he gonna be okay?" I asked, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear the answer. "I don't know. They said he fell from a tree from pretty high up. And to make things worse, a decent sized branch fell on top of him as well. They say he's got several broken bones, and one of the broken bones was a rib that punctured his lung."
   "Ms. Sayuri, I'm going to go to my room now; I'd like some time alone." She hugged me one more time and then let me go. I made my way up the stairs, but instead of heading to my room, I went to Mika's old bedroom. No one's moved into it, so it's still the same empty room. It usually comforted me, but now it just gave off a lonely feeling. I flopped back onto his bed and stared at the design of the sky that adorned the wall. I could feel water drip from eyes, as i whispered to nothing in particular, "I'm sorry I could never say it, but i love you. You gave me a family, and you're a huge part of it. Please don't leave me... Mika." I squeezed my eyes shut and let the sobs escape my lungs.
   A knock on the door sounded starling me. "Come in," I gave permission to the person on the other side of the door. The door opened revealing the director, "I knew you'd be here. How are you doing?" I averted my eyes and looked at the carpet, "I'm fine." The director sat down on Mika's old bed next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. She smiled, but it held more grief than joy, "You can't lie to me, Yuichiro." I didn't respond, and I could feel her apply a small amount of pressure to my shoulder. "Mika's strong; he'll be fine," she tried to reassure me. I laughed, "He's always getting himself into trouble for the sake of others. Sometimes I wish I could just tell him to think about himself for once, but knowing Mika he would never listen." The director nodded, agreeing with me.
   Then, she posed a question, "Are you going to be okay with the adoption finalization tomorrow? I know this is hard on you, and I don't want to push you into this when I' aware of how challenging it is for you. Transitioning without Mika here as support would prove to be difficult. I thought it over for a second, "I'll be okay. Mika wanted this for me; he said it was great to have a family who truly loves you. I'll be brave, for Mika." I spoke with determination accompanying every syllable. The director looked at me with pride shining in her eyes, "Okay." She patted the shoulder her hand had been in before standing and exiting the room.
   I had been left alone in the room, and the dreadful loneliness that seemed to float in the air attacked my sense again. I thought of Mika's face and told myself that it will all be okay. I will see Mika again, and I will finally get a true family. This time, I had hope when I went to sleep that night.

   I awoke the next morning with a conviction in my heart that couldn't be rivaled. Mika's absence gave me more strength than grief at this point. I wanted Mika to be able to come out of the hospital to see his best friend happy in a home of my own. He could spend the night or hang out at my house, and I'd be able to show him around and introduce him to my new parents like he did for me. That's why today I needed to have courage and have faith in the hope of a family.
I went down to breakfast, and all the kids hugged me some sobbing. Akane had tears in her eyes, "Are you really gonna leave today?" I patted her head to offer comfort, "Yeah, but I'll visit as much as I can." Some kids continued sobbing but some beamed at my promise. The director smiled at me, "Do you have your stuff packed?" I nodded. She handed me a plate of bacon and eggs, "Good. We're gonna miss you, Yuu. So don't ever forget to come see us." I nodded taking the plate.
After I had finished my breakfast, my new parents showed up. I ran over, greeting them, "Mahiru! Saito! Hi!" Mahiru held her arms out for a hug, "Hi Yuichiro! How are you? Are you ready." I embraced Mahiru and responded, "I'm good, and I'm ready." Mahiru released me while Saito ruffled my hair, "That's good." I giggled and beamed up at them. They returned the smile full force.
I sprinted to get my stuff, but before I went back downstairs I stopped. Mika's room stood before me looking warm and inviting. I dropped my stuff in the hallway, and went inside. I looked around the room one last time taking in all the memories with Mika here. If it hadn't been for him, I'd still be hiding from the world, locked away in my room. Adoption wouldn't even be in my wildest dreams. But now here I was.
I walked up to the sky-painted wall. Placing my hand on it, a bittersweet feeling settled in my stomach. I curled my fingers into a ball and smiled sadly, "This is not the end, Mika." Everything would go back to normal once he got out of the hospital. After taking one last moment in the room, I went back to the hallway retrieving my stuff and heading down the stairs.
Mahiru and Saito confirmed I was ready before taking me by the hands to their car. I climbed in while they got into the front seats. I'd been to the home before, which was a nice home. It was an apartment, but I liked the humbleness of it. Saito drove in a different direction than usual, so I asked, "Where are we going?" Mahiru looked back at me with excitement plastered on her face, "It's a surprise." My excitement matches hers once I heard that, so I chirped, "Okay!" and relaxed.
Pretty soon we were on a dirt road in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. We were surrounded by wasteland, and my puzzlement started to grow again. Saito stopped the car on the side of the road. Mahiru sighed, "Do we have to do this?" Saito responded blankly, "Yes." She turned to look at me tears streaming down her face, "I'm sorry, Yuichiro." "What?" I tried to ask.
Neither answered. Mahiru covered her nose and took a cloth out of the glovebox. She handed it to Saito who had also plugged his nose. He turned to me and shoved the cloth in my face. What the hell was happening? I struggled against the hand holding the foul smelling cloth to my nose, but it didn't last long from my mind became increasingly foggy. I felt myself losing my grip, and everything went blank.
This took longer than I expected it too, but I hope you enjoyed anyways. Things have officially started going downhill for our two boys. Stay tuned, friends. Farewell.

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