Chapter Ten

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-JOE'S POV- I lead Demi and I back to our room. I could tell she was a little jumpy so I made sure I kept her close. When we got to our room I led her to the bed and went back to close the door. I locked it and closed the curtain. I turned and smiled at Demi. She was laying on the bed, so peaceful. Why was this guy ruining our trip? This is the first time I saw her so content since we left her house. I didn't want this guy to bother her anymore.

-DEMI'S POV- I opened my eyes when I felt someone get on the bed. I smiled at joe, who laid next to me. He smiled and stroked my hair. "hi, beautiful." he said as he leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him. "joe?" "mmhmm?" he said as he closed his eyes and started kissing my neck. "can you promise me something?" I pushed him up a little so he'd look me in the eyes. "anything, baby." he smiled at me and continued stroking me, but this time on my cheek with his thumb. "promise me tonight that you won't let go of me. You'll hold on and keep me safe?" I played with his hair a little. He looked me dead in the eyes like he was really serious. "I promise. And i promise you I will never let anything or anyone hurt you." he kissed my cheek. "I love you more than anything in this entire world and I'll be damned if someone is going to hurt you. Okay?" I buried my head into his chest. "thank you." I whispered before I drifted off into a deep sleep. With joe's arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly. the next morning I woke up and surprisingly his arms were still around me. I shook him a little to wake him up. "joe?" he slowly opened his eyes. "yeah?" he said as he wiped his eyes. "you held on." I smiled at him and moved some hair out of his face. "I what?" "you held on all night." I kissed his forehead. "of course I did, dems." he sat up and pulled me close to him. "i made a promise, remember?" he smiled and I smiled back. Later we went to the dinning car. I sat next to nick again and joe sat on the end. We has a good breakfast. Joe's mom was telling a story of when Joe and Nick used to dress up as woman and play tea party. I was dying of laughter. "hey dems?" joe said to me. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, alright?" he continued. "what? Joe, don't leave me." "you'll be fine Dems. My family is here with you." he kissed my forehead and walked away. I was a little paranoid but not as paranoid as I felt when I turned around to watch joe leave and i saw "him" sitting at a table. I turned back toward our table and ignored it. But then I turned around again and all I see is him walking down the hallway that Joe just went down...

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