Chapter 2

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I walked through the crowd of teammates. Of course, it took me forever because all of them wanted to punch my shoulder and tell me how awesome I was. I didn't buy it so I just said 'Thanks man' and laughed it off. I had something bigger on my mind. I wanted to get out of my relationship with Jonathan, and I wanted Chase's help. I tried to plan out what to say to Chase when I asked, but as soon as I got to him through the other 21 guys all I could do was make a dumb move. I grabbed Chase's shoulder and turned him to look at me.

"Hey! There you are, I wanted to say congrats again on tha-" I cut Chase off mid sentence. I hesitated and I stuttered for a few seconds before doing something I hadn't ever planned on doing.

I kissed him. On the lips. He kissed me back and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. He pulled my hips in towards his. For the first time in a long time, I wasn't afraid of being hit or kicked by John. I knew all my team mates had my back.

Johnathan quickly spotted us and ripped him off of me. He grabbed Chase by the shirt-collar and started punching him.

"Stop! Please! Stop! Johnathan, please!" I started to cry. What had I started, what had I done? "STOP!" John put his hand down.

"You lying, cheating, bitch, I swear I'm going to-."

"Stop right there. You hit her and we hurt you." Jake Marrin, our star defenseman who was about a foot taller than John, stepped up to protect me.

John decided it wasn't worth it soon after Jake had showed him his large and callused, from a lot of fighting and working out, fist.

"It's over." He stared me down and walked away. I ran to Chase's side, he was laying on my floor, his face bloody and swollen.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I said crying into Chase's shoulder. He put his arms around me.

"Look, look at me Colynne, it's okay. You know what would make me feel better though? Another one of those kisses." I wiped his blood away with a tissue, smiled, and leaned in to kiss him while he was still on the floor.

"That's the stuff, all better." He chuckled after our kiss was over, and I helped him get up.

"I'm going to miss you when I'm in Chicago, ya know?"

"I'm going to miss you more." He looked over at me with the most beautiful green eyes.

"I'll remember to call you while I'm there. And take pictures for me while you're in the UC."

"I would love that. But not as much as I love you." He said and I froze in my tracks. Had he liked me all this time too?

"You- you love me?" I asked quizzically.

"Yeah, of course I love you."

"I, I love you too Chase." I laughed, he kissed me again. This night was turning out better than I ever imagined it would.

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