Best Friend Trials

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               The Next Day

"Kayla , sweet heart . Its time to get up baby ." My mom said by my door

"Aite , Im up ma'." I mumbled still half sleep

"Chris picking you up today?"

"Im not sure , Ill call him when Im out the shower."

Nodding her head as if she understood , she closed my door and I proceeded to start my morning routine .

Walking into my bathroom and turning my shower on to the hottest it can go , I started to take off my clothes and stepped into the steamy shower  .

Stepping out of the 10 min shower I had , I went to my sink and brushed my teeth .

Going through my call log I pressed Chris's contact name witch is under 'Best Friend <3'  . Picking up on the 3rd ring , he grumbled a 'speak' into the receiver . Did I tell you that Chris is not a morning person what so ever ?

Me : Is that how you answer your best friend's call ? Im thinking Im going to haft to give your title up .

Chris : Kayla , dont play . What you want foo'?

Me: You pickin' me up today?

Chris : Man , where your car at ?

Me: You know what ? Never mind . I see you at school .

Hanging up in his face . I rolled my eyes and continued on getting dressed . Minutes later I heard my iphone go off , signalling I have a text message .

Best Friend <3: Do u gotta be a big baby? Ima be over there at 7:30  , BE READY KAYLA !! -.-

Me: Man shutup . 7:30 it is ;)

15 minutes later I was done getting ready and finished putting cocunut cream in my hair , because Im wearing my hair wet today. Got to show these hoes at school that I dont need weave . Chuckling at my cockiness , I strutted down stairs and into the kitchen .

"Morning Alex." I said kissing his cheek

"Get on with that gay shit." He grumbled

"Who pissed in your cereal?" I laughed

Hearing a honk outside , I kissed my mother goodbye and I was on my way out the door .

Opening Chris's  car door , witch music was blaring out of . I turned down the music .

"Its too early in the morning for this Chrissy."

"Do you pay the car note every month?" He asked

"No , but -"

"Then I suggest you to not touch my shit." He said

"Well fine asshole." I crossed my arms

"Thanks sugar foot ." He said then kissing my cheek .

"Get the fuck on with that stupid ass pet name ." I mumbled




Walking into my seventh period class , I spotted 'Coke Boy' . The dude I met yesterday. Looking him up and down , I licked my lips and walked over to my desk . Looking at my phone I received a message .

Best Friend<3: The gang comin to my house wanna come?

Me: Is jasmine going to be there?

"wassup ma'?" Turning my attention to the person who is talking me , I looked up and it was 'Coke Boy' .

"Hey " I grinned

"So when we gon' kick it lil mama?"

"Sorry , I dont talk to people who have names like 'Coke Boy'." I smiled then turned back to my phone

Best Friend<3: Yeh , she is .

Me: Nah , Im good . Yall have fun

"oh , so you got jokes?" he chuckled

"I mean its true ," I shrugged

Best Friend<3: C'mon kayla , why you acting like a bitch

Me: Fuck you , gtfo my inbox talkin dat shit . Tex me when you aint acting like a jerk

"Okay , let me come a better approach then .My name is Justin . Yours?" He said reaching out his hand .

"Thats better . Nice to meet you . My name is Kayla ." I said shaking his hand

"Well , Ms.Kayla . What are you doing after school?"

"Nothing Mr.Justin. What do you have in mind?" I asked

"What about some Baskin Robins's?"

"Sure I would love some." I chuckled . Good attempt Mr.Coke Boy .

******************************************* You Guys Go Pre-Order X On Itunes :)
09/16/14 Get Ready For That Date

But anyways



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