Tell Me When To Stop

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Walking into the kitchen and Chris watching my every move I went to go sit down at the table .

"Where Nia and August?" I asked

"They prolly in the room fuckin'." Tyga said

"Eww , "

"Thats not what you gon be sayin when Im doing that too you." Chris said under his breath .

"What was that?" I said clearing my throat .

"Nothing." Chris grumbled

Kissing my teeth I walked into the kitchen area to grab six shot glasses for all of us   . Handing them out and putting two too the side for August and Nia . I grabbed the Asterdam bottle and poured it in my cup . Swallowing the whole thing after feeling a burning sensation in the back of my throat . Loving the feeling I poured myself some more and took it too the head .

"Damn Kay , slow down." Destiny told me laughing

"Man shutup , Yall aint tryna turn up . So ima do it myself."

"August !! Nia !! Hurry de fuck up!" I yelled taking another shot

Seeing August and Nia walking out of Nia's bedroom , Both of them  had a mug on there face . Oh well , no time for them to be fuckin anyways . Laughing out loud I got a couple stares .

"What? I cant laugh?" I said hiccupping

"Oh yup , she drunk."  Nia laughed

"Kiss my ass." I said sticking my tounge out

"Guys , You know what we should play?" Des asked

"What?" We all said

"Truth or dare?"

"Ohhhhh , yeah . We should . Who goin' first?" I asked

"August , You go first." Nia told him

"Aite , ummm . Des , truth or dare?"


"I dare you too kiss Ty for a whole minute."

"Yall really pushin it." Des said irritated

"If you ont' wanna do it you gotta' take 2 shots" August told her

"Man , aite . Come here Ty ."

Seeing a smirk on Ty's face , they started to make out  . Getting 'awws' from me and Nia . And 'thats my nigga' from August and Chris . There minute was finally over

"Alright Nia babyeh its yo' turn" August said

"Kayla , Truth or dare?"

"Ahh , shit . Truth"

"Is it true that your still a virgin?"

"Niaaaaaa , are you serious?" I said whining

"Answer kay  ," She said laughing

"Mannnn , Yeah its true ." I said ashamed . Im 17 and still a virgin . Oh okay.

"Nothing to be ashmed of baby." She said winking

Rolling my eyes , I glanced over to Chris and he was smirking . Oh lord , that look . That smirk was just making me hot

A whold bottle later , everybody was drunk. Not sloppy drunk . But a tipsy drunk . We finished our game a couple of minutes ago and everybody is tired . Not wanting to go home with liquor on my breath I asked Nia if I can stay in her guest bed room .

"Nia baby , can I spend the night please?" I asked softly

"Sure , go ahead."

"Is yall sleeping over too?" She asked the rest

"Yeh , I am " Destiny said

"Me too , " Tyga said

"Yup," Chris said with his eyes half closed

"Well , aite . Chris and Kay can share a room ."  oh shit .

"Des and Ty , I know yall together so yall can share too ." Nia winked

Sucking there teeth , they walked to one of the bedrooms .

"Aite , im gone . Goodnight my two babys ." I said kissing August and Nia's cheek .

"Goodnight Kay," they both said


Walking into the farthest guest room in the hall way , I opened the door and turned on the light . Letting out a long yawn I took off my shorts , leaving me in my shirt and my boy briefs . Climbing into the cool sheets . I laid back and waited for Chris to come to bed for I can go to sleep .

Seeing him walk in and close the door , he took of his shirt and pants . Yus lord that body . After he climbed in the bed next to me.

"You forgot the light." I spoke lowly

"You get up and do it." he grumbled

Sucking my teeth , I got up out of my comfortable postion and turned off the light .

"So im assuming you want something to go down , because you got your shorts off?"

"Nah , Im in my underwear because of the same reason your in your boxers."

Laying in the dark , both of us not saying anything . I decided to break the scilence .

"Soo , what was that kiss about." I spoke softly

"I dont know , You tell me?"

"Chris , come on . Your the one that did it ."

"It was just the heat of the moment." He grumbled

Turning my back too him because that was the only thing that I  could do . What he just said hurt my feelings . You kissed me cuz it was in the moment . How fuckin stupid .

"I didnt know you were a virgin?"

"Yup , I am . problem?" Attitude laced in my voice

"Nope , its attractive."


"Where can you find a virgin anymore?"

Feeling his body scooting close to me ,Where his face was in the crook of my neck .

"I want you." He whispered in my ear

"Are you saying that because of the heat of the moment?" I asked lowly

"Im being forreal." He said in ny ear

Turning on my back , He got on top of me.

"Your confusing me Chris , What do you want? Me or her?"

"You" He said starting to kiss my jawline then down to my neck . Getting aroused from his actions I started to get nervous .

"Ch-Chris , I dont think im ready ." I stutterd

"Its okay baby , just relax."

"Chris please." 

Chris took off my shirt and threw it across the room . Unhooking my bra , he threw that too . Kissing down my chest to my navel he stopped right by my treasure.

"You sure you want me to stop?"

"I dont no if im ready ," I whispered

"Its alright  , I can make you cum without my dick ."  Well damn .

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