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                Chris Brown's P.O.V

Hearing an annoying blaring noise coming from my phone , my heavy eyes finally opened . The sun rays , coming from my open window that I forgot to close yesterday , was blinding me . Adjusting my eyes to the light I looked over to my iphone on my nightstand reaching for it I turned off the sound of my annoying alarm clock .

Monday . Who likes mondays? Proceeding on checking my notifications I was slightly annoyed . Kayla STILL havent hit me back . Sending me to voicemail everytime I called . 2 fucking days she been ignoring me . Even the crew ! Like damn , I know your upset . But shit , Who doesnt talk to there boyfriend for 2 days . Shit seems retarted too me . But being the nice person I am , Ima send her a message .

Me : Goodmornig beautiful , hope you had a good sleep . See you at school babe :*

I bet you everything she gon' read it and not reply .

Jumping out of bed , I walked to my bathroom and started my shower to began my morning routine .

          Kayla Greene's P.O.V

Stepping out the shower and wraping a plush white towel around my naked body , I continued to my room . Picking up my phone I saw a new message notification .

From Babe ;): Goodmornig beautiful , hope you had a good sleep . See you at school babe :*

Rolling my eyes up to the heavens above , I through my phone across my bed ready to smash it .

All of them are irking my nerves , can you please give me my space? They all called me this weekned and I sent they asses to voicemail everytime . The shit they pulled was fake as fuck to me . Who hides something so big like that? And when I asked before were you got all this money from , Chris sat there and lied to me . So yes, I have every right to be mad . And there just going to have to deal with it intill Im ready to talk to them face to face .

          Chris Brown's P.O.V

"Wassup fam" I greeted August with a dap

"Wazzup ,"

"Yall find them niggas yet?"

"Nah , Hitta still tryna' find dem' ."

Hitta was my go to man  , Any info I give  him to find somebody he finds that person in 24 hours or less . But this time he takin' a little to long .

"When I find these niggas , Im offin' them on sight bruh ." I said rubbing my temples

"I feel you bruh. So you speak ta' Kayla stubborn ass?"

"Nah , she ignoring the fuck out of me. Shit irritatin'."

"I know , but jus' look at it in her point of view."

"I understand , the sooner we talk the sooner she know the whole story." I grumbled

"There she go right dere'." August pointed across the parking lot

Turning my attention to her moms all white Charger , I saw her climb out of it wearing : Dark denim jeans , a pink aeropostale shirt with nike slides . A bummy day for her but she still looked beautiful .

Still in my thoughts , She walked past me and Aug .

"So you gon' walk past me?" I called out

Ignored . Once again .

"Kayla , I know you hear me talkin too you."

She was still walking to the entrance of the cafeteria . Getting mad I grabbed her wrist and turned her around pretty hard .

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