Dont Panic

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             *A few weeks later*

Chris Brown's P.O.V

"Babaaayy!" I called out walking into her house .

"In here!" I heard her in the kitchen

"Hey babe , " I grumbled walking into her kitchen and walking over to her and giving her a juciy kiss on the lips .

"Eww," She giggled while wiping her mouth off .

"Kayla? Did you just wipe my kisses off?"

"Sure did." She smirked

"Oh yup , remember that ." I said sitting down on the bar stools infront of the kitchen counter .

"Im just playin . I love you Chrissy." Kayla said kissing all over my face .

"Yeah , thats what I thought . Now make me some food women!"

"And ruins the moment with food." She said chuckling and getting from off my lap.

"But what you want nigga?"

"Umm , a sandwitch."  I said looking at my phone

"One sandwitch coming up ," She said enthusiastically while opening the refrigarator .

"Your such a weirdo ." I chuckled

"But you love me though."

"I do , I do. But how you feel with your cast' off?" I asked locking my phone and giving her my attention .

"It feels greaaat , I couldnt take it anymore."

"I could agree." I said releived

"How? You wasnt even in them! I was ."

"But still , I was slaving for you . "

"Sure you were." She said while placing my sandwitch infront of me .

"Says the one I just made a sandwitch for." She said while sitting on the bar stool next to me

'I get money, I'm that type of bitch
An icy whip is what the youngin' likely with'

Kayla's iphone went off , meaning that an incoming call was coming through .

Taking another bite of my sandwitch , I looked over at her and she had a weird expression on her face .

"You not gon' answer that?" I asked while wiping my face with the back of my hand .

She shooked her head no and then started to look at her nails .

Hearing the phone ring again , I started to get up from my seat and go answer it .

"NO!" Kayla yelled pratically blowing my ear drums .

"Then answer shit." I grumbled

"No , people been playin' on my phone all day ." She sighed

"Okay ," I said confused

Hearing it go off once more . I got up with no hesitation . And walked over too it . About to press 'Answer' the phone was soon snatched out of my hand .

"I said no!"  She yelled at me while declining the call

"Well, turn that shit off if you aint gon' answer it!" I yelled back while walking back to my seat .

Guess what the phone did? Went off again.

"Kayla , Give me the fuckin' phone."

"Did you not hear what I just said?!" I spoke

Snatching the phone out of her hand , I pratically yelled an 'hello' into the receiver.


"Kay!? You aint hear yo fuckin- , Wait . Who dis?"

"Nigga , Who is you?! Calling my girl phone and shit!"

"Why dont you ask her playboy ." He chuckled

"Nah , Ima need you stop callin' my girl phone bruh or its gon be a problem !" And with that I hung up in his face .

Kayla Greene's P.O.V

"Who the fuck was that?!"

"Nobody." I said looking down at my feet

"Obviously its somebody . Who is it?!"

"Its nobody alright? Can you just leave me alone . "

"You know what . Fuck you Kay . Aint I your boyfriend? We supposed to talk things out! Always closing shit off from me!" Chris yelled at me while putting his 'Pink Dolphin' hoodie on .

"Chris , please its not that serious." I said with a lump in my throat .

"Then why you aint want me too answer the phone!?" He asked while putting on his Jordans

I didnt say anything . I didnt know how to word what I wanted to say .

"Exactly ," He mumbled under his breath . After he got his car keys . He started to walk to the front door .

"You wanna know why I was hiding this shit from you!? For weeks now!? He threatend he was going to kill you Chris!" I yelled out full blown crying

Dropping to the floor , and letting out a good cry that I havent had in while for all  the events that have happend in the last couple months .  I was tired . Physically and Mentally . I couldnt take it anymore . Is a normal life too much to ask for?

Feeling a pair of hands wrap around my body , I was getting picked up and carried to my room .

"Shhhh , Baby dont cry." Chris said in my ear . After he laid me down on my bed and soon after he was cuddled up next to me .

"You deserve so much better Chris." I spoke lowly .

"Dont say that . Im lucky too have you."

"I dont want you too get hurt ." My crying started up again

"Why would I?"

"Hes fuckin crazy. Thats the ex I didnt want to talk about ."  I said while wiping my tears .

"Shh Kay , Dont panic . We'll talk about it later . Get some sleep ." He said kissing my forehead

Snuggling up closer to him , I let out a breath Ive been holding .

"I love you." I spoke lowly

"I love you more."

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