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The Storm Coast was full of Venatori. 

And Dorian was quite vocal about finding them all.  So two weeks ago, she petitioned Cassandra, Cullen, Josephine, and Leliana to allow her and a small party to venture there to do some damage control.  

If the coast becomes too over run with Venatori, they could fall right into the valley of Crestwood and murder its inhabitants.  

That was the excuse she had given.  

But really she just wanted to stop Dorian's incessant knocking on her door when she's trying to have time alone with Solas.  

The fact that he knew they were inside, doing deviously, delectably, delicious things to one another did not stop him from intruding.  Honestly, she's surprised he hasn't just barged in on them by now.

Solas would have a fit were that the case.  

To prevent such a thing from happening, they'd ended up here, on the Storm Coast, for the last week and a half.  

Dorian is all pride and eagerness, Cassandra following quickly behind him, ensuring he doesn't a toe out of line.  

And Maeve and Solas trek behind, a little slower than the other two despite having longer legs.  

"You're quiet today.  Is everything all right?"  His words are carefully said, hiding some of the emotion in them for the sake of the others.  

Cassandra knows, was there for her when she and Solas reaffirmed their relationship.  

But, Dorian.  He doesn't get to know.  Not yet.  

She knows Solas isn't ready for that.  And neither is she, to be honest.  Right now, it's their secret, this precious, fragile thing between them.  

"I'm tired.  Cassandra snores like a bear.  And I can hear the whistling of Dorian's nose from the tent on the other side of the camp!"  She shouts in a little whisper as Solas smiles deviously.  "I wish we had a tent to ourselves." 

Her knuckles brush Solas', and he looks at her, a devilish plan in his eyes.  

"Stop."  He shouts ahead, causing Cassandra to nearly run into the back of the Tevinter mage.  She scowls at him as he grins, turning to face the other two.  

He rolls his eyes at Solas.  The two don't have any patience for each other whatsoever.  It annoys Maeve to no end.  "What is it this time, Solas?  Are you going to tell us something amazing about the Fade again before we continue with the actually important things that we're here to do?"  Dorian waves his hands in the air, feinting enthusiasm. 

Solas only keeps his composure, not sinking to Dorian's level... this time.  "On the contrary.  I was going to suggest that you and the Seeker scout ahead for a moment, while the Inquisitor and I search nearby for the artifact I know to be in this area."  

Dorian looks at him skeptically, not for the first time today.  "And how, pray tell, do you just know hat it's here?"  His eyebrow arks upward as his arms cross his chest.  

Still, Solas simply smiles.  "I've been here in the Fade, dear magister.  I've seen it.  Sensed it."  

Dorian takes a step closer, observing Solas with intense scrutiny.  Maeve looks over them, to Cassandra who only shrugs, rolling her eyes with aggravation.  She hadn't wanted to come out here either.  Something tells her it's the rumors about her and Cullen circling the compound that made her hesitant.  

"Yes, I'm sure you can sense a great many things with those over-sized cooking spoons for ears."  His voice is low but it doesn't drown the spite in it.  

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