Chapter One

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Okay, so since a lot of you guys didn't like the original names, which was just going to be "The Heir of Slytherin", I've decided to take a reader's suggestion ( as you can see) and call it Thick Walls, Thicker Bonds. And so I thank the one who reviewed that!

And, yes, for those of you who asked, this plot is going to be VERY different from the Snarry one. For one, this isn't a crossover (the other one is) also, in the Snarry fic, Sammael is transported to exactly 4 years after he vanished in his original timeline. In this story, it's been ten. FADAH!

Sammael's magical orientation, unlike in the other story, will be Grey leaning towards Dark.

One last thing: This IS a sequel for the people who randomly picked this up. So if you haven't already, I suggest reading through my other story "The Son of Salazar" so that you can get a good idea of what's going on. Don't worry, it's not that long, only 10 chapters. Thanks to all of you who followed the story so far, and HELLO to the new peoples!

May the gods be ever in your favor,


It was storming out, lightning cutting through the dark night sky just outside the window. The main source of light came from Kai, who sat perched on the back of a plush chair. Besnik was clutching onto Sammael's body, wrapped around him tightly, moaning. Sammael stroked him, but made no move to get up. His stomach lurched, and Sammael forced down the bile that was clawing its way up his throat.

"Let's never do that again," Besnik pleaded pathetically. Sammael couldn't help but chuckle as his phoenix agreed vehemently. He recognized this place, he saw it often enough in his nightmares. He was back here, Number 4 Privet Drive. His eyes were pulled over to his old cupboard, he briefly wondered if his old things were still in there. He was about to wander over there, when the lights suddenly flicked on, blinding him.

"Who the hell are you?" spat a purple faced, overweight man with wadded up fists. Uncle Vernon, Sammael realized, he's gotten fatter. "Answer me! I know you're one of those freaks," Sammael flinched at the use of his old name. "And I'll have you know we don't put up with your kind here. And like we told that old guy YEARS ago, the boy ran away! He's probably dead by now!" A vicious gleam in Vernon's eye made Sammael sneer. Besnik shifted under his robes as Sammael began to reach for his wand.

"Let me kill him, Mael," pleaded the basilisk. "This is the one you've told us about?" he continued. "The one who used to hurt you?" At Sammael's nod, the basilisk pleaded once more. "Let me kill him." Kai trilled in agreement. Sammael was going to refuse, but then Petunia came down the stairs.

She screamed. "Not one of you!" she wailed, clutching at her night gown as though Sammael were some kind of monster. Sammael stroked his familiar.

"Go ahead," he said. "I won't stop you."


Dumbledore was a man who always had a plan for everything. It had gotten to the point where his followers were convinced he was omniscient. Dumbledore, for his part, did nothing to discredit these rumors. His plans never failed him… all except for that one.

He'd set it up so carefully. He'd seen the potential one Tom Riddle had had. This young man with such a large, powerful dark core. It was easy, after Grindlewald, to spread the rumors that all dark magic was evil. He prevented anyone from the wizarding world from adopting Riddle, and then watched as his fear of death—kindled from the many, many bombings he'd had to witness as a child—mold him into a Dark Lord.

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