Chapter Five

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Albus was troubled by what he was reading in the Daily Prophet. Usually, he didn't put much stock into stories written by Rita Skeeter; However, this story was so outrageous he simply had to write Augusta, to verify. How on earth was Neville, the joke of the Hufflepuffs, able to defend the shoppers of Diagon Ally against a dragon—albeit a baby, but still. Yet, the thing that worried Albus the most, was the mention of the "tall, handsome stranger" who "spirited away" the "hopeless savior".

Albus pulled out his writing quill and a fresh scroll. He needed to meet with Augusta, hopefully that day. Maybe this stranger was simply a tutor for Neville? Though Albus doubted it. He himself had once tried to get the boy to cast an acceptable Expelliarmus.

It hadn't ended well.

If Albus Dumbledore wasn't able to help Longbottom, what hope did this newcomer have? None, that's what! However, there were eyewitnesses…so what had happened?


Sammael smiled softly as he watched Neville lovingly stroke the soft underleaves of his Mandrakes, which were currently slumbering beneath the ground. Neville was excitedly going on and on about the history of Mandrakes, saying that they used to be called mandragora root. Wizards and witches of Ancient times would tie trip wires to the thick stems that connected the thick, purplish and vivid green leaves to the body. When people stumbled against them, they would pull up the young mandrakes, the screams killing the intruders instantly. As Neville spoke, Sammael thought back to Godric wanting to do something similar with Mandrakes along the border of the Dark Forest. Helga had refused, saying that it was cruel to the "poor dears".

Though, in truth, Sammael was only half listening. While his cousin prattled on, Sammael watched through the eyes of his familiar as Besnik—who'd been shrunk down to not even an eighth of his true size—was carried by Kai through an upper story window, then placed carefully on the ground before Kai swooped back outside.

"… but then the practice was banned when a king's son was killed, after he accidently pulled one up. So now they're mainly used for medicine. Normally, you're not even supposed to raise them yourself, the Ministry regulates them, but Professor Sprout—she's my Head of House—gave me permission so that…"

Besnik was now almost to the ground floor. Augusta Longbottom, her tea all but forgotten at to the side, was muttering furiously as she scribbled he quill violently against parchment. Who she was writing to, Sammael didn't know or care, though he assumed it was about him, and unflattering. Besnik stalked his prey, quietly as you please, letting the venom well up in his mouth.

"… foolish brat… Dumbledore… old fool… fancy ponce… liars the lot of them…" Augusta was practically seething, hissing through gritted teeth as her quill jabbed completely through the parchment. Sammael watched with a predatory grin as Besnik did his job, and did it well.

"Something funny, Mae?" Neville asked Sammael, noticing that his cousin was wearing a strange grin. Sammael's eyes automatically softened, his grin becoming loving when he heard the nickname, the same one his deceased cousin, Agape, had used for him.

"Not really," replied Sammael. "I'm only thinking about how you're stroking that deadly weed like it's your favorite puppy." Neville immediately raised his hackles; Sammael was amused. He wouldn't be surprised if his young cousin's animagus form was a kitten.

"They aren't weeds!" Neville insisted, whining a bit. Sammael broke into laughter, and—once he realized his cousin was only joking—Neville joined him, shaking his head. "Mae, where do you live?" Neville suddenly asked. Sammael stopped laughing.

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