♡ El's confession ♡

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A/N: Hey guys! This oneshot is definitely a lot shorter than the first one, So let me know if you prefer the shorter oneshots or the longer ones. Anyways, I wanted to do something short and sweet, but powerful. 

In which El confesses her feelings to Mike

Rain softly drizzled on that lazy Sunday. Of course Mike was with El, there was no better way he could spend his day. Lazy days with El were his absolute favorite. Of course, he loved adventuring into the unknown with her, seeing her eyes light up with wanderlust and joy, introducing her to everything that was beautiful in this world, everything that son of a bitch Brenner kept away from her from so long. But there was something special about those lazy Sundays. There was something so special about the silence they shared together, all of the emotions filling the air, their love so strong that words could never do it justice. There was something special about her honey brown eyes, how they would crinkle and sparkle when she smiled at him, her cheeks rosy. There was something special about how she snuggled closer to him, burying her head into his shoulder, how her head fit perfectly in the crook of the teenage boy's neck.

Mike and El sat on El's bed, the window slightly cracked open, watching the rain. Mike gently rubbing circles on the back of El's hand, gazing into her eyes as she watched the rain fall in wonder. El turned her head to face Mike softly, feeling his loving gaze.

She peered into his dark eyes, getting lost for a moment, before she uttered, "I-I feel d-different when I'm with you" El quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed, embarrassed that even she didn't understand what she was talking about, but she knew the feelings she felt with Mike were different than any other feelings she's felt with anyone else before.

"d-different ? How?" Mike asked nervously. He worried she meant something negative, like she didn't feel the same about Mike as he did to her.

El's eyes flitted back up to his, "M-my stomach feels like it's twisted in knots when I'm with you" She admitted, her cheeks beet red, "I-I always think about you, and when you do the thing when your lips touch mine, I feel l-like all nervous and sweaty, b-but in a good way" She rambled, trying to find the words to express her feelings.

Mike couldn't be more head over heels for her. His heart felt like it might just burst out of his chest, overwhelmed by the wave of emotions brought on upon his lover's confession. He too couldn't vocalize all of the passion that was felt.

The lack of validation of her emotions made El doubt herself, wondering if he didn't feel the same.

"I-I feel the same way" Mike admitted, looking away shyly, flushed.

El giggled softly, "Cool" she whispered, their eyes meeting once again.

Mike laughed, a beautiful sound, "Cool" he repeated, his heart swelling.

Rain softly drizzled on that lazy Sunday. Mike loved lazy Sundays with El, falling deeper and deeper into love with those beautiful honey eyes, and the way they crinkled as she smiled that beautiful smile when he told her he felt the same way.

543 Words

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