♡ Jealousy ♡

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A/N: Hey guys! I finally got around to updating! This is a little bit different than what I usually write, this one is mostly about Eleven and Max, but I did throw in some mileven at the end (super cheesy mileven but cute mileven) I hope you guys like this one, and PLEASE share your suggestions with me, and what you thought of this! I want your honest feedback! All support is greatly appreciated! This oneshot is dedicated to goldenmileven for being an amazing friend!

In which Max confronts El

It took awhile for El to warm up to the abrasive redhead, Max, who she'd seen with Mike on that school day long ago. El's unfriendly demeanor towards Max stemmed from the many insecurities El had about herself. She often times found herself feeling unworthy of Mike's affection, of his neverending kindness and patience. El constantly compared herself to the other girls who went to Mike's school, and Max was no exception. Truth be told, El was afraid of losing Mike more than anything, fearing the day when Mike would finally realize how much of a freak she was, how unworthy she was. Being mean to Max was El's defense mechanism.

Max acted as if El's rejection of her offering of friendship didn't affect her, but deep down it stung. What about her was so repulsive that El couldn't even pretend to be friendly towards her? El and Max shared their insecurities, most of them stemming from their unfortunate upbringings

The party was gathered at El's cabin, mostly since Hopper still wasn't comfortable of El visiting the other members of the parties houses.

Max had been planning on confronting El when the boys weren't around, she had to get her isolated. While the boys were immersed in D&D, Max suddenly grabbed El's arm. El immediately jerked her arm from her grip, shooting her a glare that held a combination of fear and disgust. Max returned her bitter stare, hoping El wouldn't see the hurt in her eyes.

"We need to talk" Max told her firmly, grabbing her arm again, and before El had the chance to escape her grasp, she pulled her out of the room and into El's room. The boys were so lost in the game that they hadn't even batted an eye at the two teenage girl's disappearances.

"What?" El spat, her eyes narrowed in suspicion and annoyance.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Max questioned, her voice filled with emotion.

"I don't hate you" El stated coldly, her patience running thin, not wanting to confront Max and explain the real reason for her curtness.

"You do!" Max argued, remembering all of the times El had rejected Max's offers for companionship. El could see the intensity in her burning gaze, and knew she wasn't getting anywhere without an explanation of her supposed hatred of Max.

"Y-you" El began, nervous about the confrontation she had been dreading for so long, "You tried to take Mike away" She finally confessed, filled with pain as she remembers that terrible memory.

Max nearly scoffed at the accusation, shocked. Out of all the things El could've said, this took her by the most surprise. "I tried to take Mike away?" Max repeated the question, in utter disbelief in how El could ever believe that Max would want, out of all the people in the party, Mike. She couldn't help but shudder at the mere thought.

El nodded, and Max could see frustration in her glare, but she could also identify something else in those honey eyes, fear.

Then realization dawned Max. The skateboard accident. The magnet pulling her off her board. It was El.

"You made me fall off my skateboard!' Max exclaimed, surprised El would even do something like that. At first, El didn't say anything in response to her statement, that was until the guilt washed over, and she could feel tears prickling in her eyes, threatening to spill over her cheeks. She was the monster. She hurt someone because of her own selfishness. Max watched as El began to cry softly, not knowing what to do. Max had always had a difficult time at comforting her friends. How could she help others with their emotions if she wasn't even close to being in touch with her own?

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