What happened next was...15

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Betty POV
It was dark out. My head was pounding, everything was kinda of blurry, and my hearing was shot. I was in Veronica's bed. Then everything came back at once. My hearing, my sight, and sense of pain. I looked around and saw Veronica balling her eyes out, she was screaming and crying. I looked around, my clothes were torn and ripped, there was blood all over the sheets. My face, arms, legs stung, and other parts of me were in pain. As much as I wanted to cry, I couldn't I needed to get out of here. I look at Veronica and we make eye contact. I whisper.
{B} Where is that bastard?
She still had tape on her mouth. I was desperate for answers, I shimmed off the bed, grunting with every move because of the pain. It took me many tries but I finally sat up. I got on my knees, and made my way towards to the chair she was sitting in. I used my mouth to peel the tape of of hers. Her muffled crying was now even louder.
{B} Veronica shut the fuck up! Or so help me I will kill you for getting into this shit!
She quieted down, she looked at me, she was examine my damage.
{V} He ran, Betty I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen. I'm sorry for what he just did to you.
{B} Yeah, yeah just shut the fuck up and help me. Here try to bite off this tape.
I turned around and lifted my arms up as far as I could. I could feel her biting at my wrist, trying to bite the tape off. After about 30 minutes she had bitten the tap enough to a point where I could snap it apart. I untied my feet as well, than I untied Veronica. We were both sweating and she was still in tears. She tackles me hugging me. She kept apologizing.
{V} Betty I'm so sorry,
I ignored her apology.
{B} Where did he go, did he say?
{V} He took a bunch of expensive and some money. He told me that he was leaving, like out of the country.
{B} Wheres your phone?
{V} He smashed it, I think yours might still be in the kitchen.
I nodded and ran into the kitchen, I looked around and found my phone. Still in one piece. I grabbed it and dialed Jughead's number, he didn't answer. I ran back into Veronica's bedroom. She was still on the ground shaking, I sigh and sit down across from her.
{B} What did he do to you. Why are you crying?
{V} He didn't do anything to me, he made me watch as he did things to you. And even time I closed my eyes, he cut you with the knife. I'm sorry Betty.
She started to cry even more. I gave her a tighter hug.
{B} Its okay, I'm fine and alive aren't I?
She nodded rapidly. I picked up my phone and dialed Jughead again, he still didn't answer.
{B} Okay we need to get out of here.
She got up and helped me up, I grunted, everything started to hurt even worse. I threw my arm around her shoulder, she helped me out of the house. We both limped out the Pembroke together. We walked down the street, me pulling Veronica towards the Southside. People started gasping as they saw me, mostly because I was all bruised, bloody, and had torn clothes. We made it about 30ft from the house before I was stopped my paramedics. They put me on a gurney and put me in the back of the truck, along with Veronica. I didn't want to go the hospital, but I didn't have the energy to fight with them about it. I relaxed and passed out. When I woke up, there were bright lights in my face and many doctors standing around me. They were taking pictures of me and injecting me with antibiotics. Eventually they transferred me into another room. I fell asleep and when I woke up again, I was in a normal hospital room. I groan, my body was still in major pain. Veronica was in the room with me too, but she was asleep. Her face was stained with tears. When the doctor noticed that I was awake she came in to talked to me. She told me about the test that they ran on me. She asked who did this to me, but I didn't answer, Because I knew what I wanted to do.

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