Who are you? Ch.2

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Jughead pov:
We all cheer as we kick the doors open of Southside high.
{SP} Were finally out of this dump!!!!
{F} Yeah, now we get to play with those hot Northsiders
I roll my eyes.
{T} Oh shut it,
They laugh,
{SP} Toni, as gay as you are. I'm surprised your not practically skipping to get some Northsider hottie.
Toni rolls her eyes.
{F} What about you Jug? Aren't you excited?
{J} Eh... I mean they have a higher budget newspaper staff.
{SW} Such a nerd...
He snickers
[The next day]
Once I'm dressed and ready for the day I grab my Serpent Jacket and walk next door. I knock on the door, Toni answers.
{T} Jughead! It's too damn early for this!
{J} It's time for school, we should at least try to be early...
{T} Give me five minutes.
She slams the door. About 5 minutes later she comes out, she pushes me. I start laughing and she hops on her bike. I jump onto my bike as well and we drive towards our new school. When we get there the rest of the Serpents are already there waiting for me. Most of them either took their eyes or smirk before we all walk into together. All eyes are on us, mostly full of hatred. We get all situated with our classes and our schedules, the principal gave me a piece of paper with a name on it. It said "report to the Blue & Gold, look for Elizabeth Cooper. Your tour guide"
I smile and walk around until I find the Blue & Gold. I was about to walk inside but then I hear arguing, I can't make out the words that are being said. I listen for a little bit longer before I hear a crash and yell. I look around, nobody else hears it. As I reach for the door, a tall red-headed boy swing the door open. He gives me a disgusted look and he pushes past me. I roll my eyes and proceeded to walk into the Blue and Gold. I look around, there's a table that's was thrown over and papers all over the floor. I hear some quiet sobs, I look over and see her. A girl with a blonde ponytail and blue eyes. Her face is stained with tears. I walk over and crouch beside her.
{J} Um? Are you okay?
She looks at me surprisingly, she obviously didn't know I was there.
She nods.
{B} I'm fine.
I got a better look at her face, she was beautiful. An angel.
{B} What did you need?
{J} Well I came to meet my tour guide...Elizabeth Cooper?
She wipes her face and sniffles.
{B} oh my- I'm really sorry.
She stands up. I follow.
{B} I'm such a mess, I'm so sorry. Uh- So.
{J} Woah wait. What's wrong? Are you okay? I heard crashing and a yell...
She stutters.
{B} You weren't meant to hear that. Again I'm sorry, I was talking to my boyfriend.
I felt a little jealous when I hear that she has a boyfriend. But I put that aside.
{J} Look you don't have to apologize. I just want to know if your okay? Did he hit you?
She looks at the ground.
{B} We should get started on the tour.
{J} Elizabeth?-
{B} Actually, I'm Betty. Betty Cooper. You?
She was trying to change the subject.
{J} Forsythe Pendleton Jones the III, but you can call me Jughead, Jughead Jones.
She giggles. I knew it would make her smile, which I knew she needed. Even though she was dogging my questions, I knew something was wrong. She reaches for my hand to shake it, but I give her big hug instead.
{J} I'm sorry, if I just invaded your personal space. I just thought you needed a hug.
She smiles.
{B} Not at all. And your right, I really needed that.
We take a moment and we just stare into each others eyes. I started to blush a little and so did she, which made her say,
{B} Okay well we should probably get started!
I nod and follow her.

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