Chapter Four: Pawns and Portals

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"Raven wake up, you're gonna be late." It was early the next day, but Raven was never a morning person.

"Five more minutes," she said groggily. She could go to school a few minutes late; she didn't mind being tardy for a few extra minutes of rest.

"Raven we're in Avalon, remember?" Sky said flatly. He didn't like having to deal with his sister's morning attitude, especially when she begged for a few more minutes in bed. But this was not just any average day; she had to go meet Mendel real soon to inform him of her choice.

Raven shot up immediately, "the council," she gasped. "I have to meet Mendel; he said I have to be early," she emphasized. She went to get ready, borrowing some of Eldwyn's old clothes which fit her.

"Have you made your choice yet?" Avor suddenly burst in the room. "Do you think you're gonna stay and help or go back home?" He said the last part quite glumly. Raven didn't know however; she was still torn between the two options and didn't know what to tell him or Mendel.

"Um I- I'm not quite sure yet," she stuttered truthfully. "Honestly I don't want to make a choice," she confessed. These two options were stressing her out but she knew eventually she would have to choose one or the other. Avor thought about it for a moment and sighed.

"Look I know the whole story of Corbeau probably pressurized you to help us, but I want you to know that it's totally your choice. Please don't feel obligated but instead go with your gut," he remarked.

"Who knows, this whole thing may not even be about Corbeau! Maybe it's something else and we just made a big deal about it," Sky added. "After all, you said you weren't sure if the council was addressing that issue, right Avor?"

"Exactly, see it's nothing to stress about too much. Do whatever you feel is best Raven," Avor concurred with a smile.

Raven grabbed a slice of bread before dashing out to meet Mendel. Avor and Sky tagged along too; mostly because Raven didn't know the way there and Sky, despite not wanting to confront Mendel, would rather come along than stay home alone with Eldwyn. Plus they had to go support Raven in case things went bad for some reason. The trio were worried but felt confident after Eldwyn had given them words of encouragement. They knew she had just said that to probably make them feel better, but it comforted them nonetheless. By the time they had finally reached the Centenary, Raven was filled with jitters, heads whizzing with thoughts. What would she tell Mendel? How would Avor and Eldwyn react? Just as she was considering to persuade the two that they can come back later, she spotted a familiar figure in black robes standing at the stairwell.

"Dang," she muttered under her breath. Well there was no going back now she supposed.

"You guys should wait down here while I talk to him privately," Raven remarked. Secretly she was hoping they wouldn't come so they wouldn't judge her. She knew they would find out sooner or later; she was just hoping that it would be the latter.

"No way, we're coming," the two boys said in unison. They giggled, marveling at how similar they were. Raven sighed, she knew it would be hard to convince her brother to let her handle it, but she had to admit that it would make her feel better to know he was there to support her. As they slowly approached the stairwell where Mendel was waiting, Raven felt her knees go weak with worry and nearly fell down, but Avor caught her with ease.

"You alright?" he asked concerned. Raven's face was flushed, while she was fuming with embarrassment, unable to say anything. Sky coughed awkwardly, reminding them of the task at hand and the two quickly excused themselves. Raven greeted Mendel with a monotone expression, apologizing at once for being late to their meeting as she lost track of time in the morning. Her breath hitched, hopefully he didn't make a huge fuss of her slip-up this time. Mendel didn't say much but simply gave a look of annoyance.

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