Chapter Five: Halley's Comet

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The siblings got up the next day with a groan. They were still sore from the intense training they had done the day before.

"Oh no Sky get up, we're going to be late," Raven grunted. Normally their aunt Sue would have woken them up if they were running late, however in all the rush of last night's events, they had completely forgotten that she would be gone for another day. Sky got up with a whine to get ready. Raven fed Menchie, gently stroking him as an apology for being gone the last few days. Soon enough, the Cadwells had gotten ready for a grueling day with even more work once they came back. Raven wondered how they were going to survive training with how tired the both of them were. Of course, Sky didn't have to worry; after all, he wasn't obligated. Despite their exhausted state, they somehow managed to dash to school and made it barely on time. Raven snuck into class, embarrassed at how she was the last one in and how everyone was staring at her. She composed herself soon though and prepared herself for the rest of the day.

During lunch, she was surprised to be greeted by Blythe in person.

"Hi Raven!" she exclaimed. Raven nearly choked on her orange juice. Sure she wouldn't be so surprised if it was anyone else, but this was Blythe; she wanted to make a good impression.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked politely. Raven's cheeks burned, why would Blythe want to sit next to me, she thought.

"No, it's alright," she managed to stumble out loud. She slowly picked at the school lunch on her tray, distracting herself from Blythe's presence by picking at the spaghetti.

"So did you hear about Ms. Ethelde?" she suddenly asked.

Raven was confused, "what about her?" she inquired as she took a small bite of noodles.

"She passed away last night."

Raven choked on her spaghetti. She probably didn't hear that right.

"Wait, what? You're joking," Raven tried to convince herself.

"No, that's what I texted you last night about," Blythe said a little quietly.

Raven couldn't believe it- no she wouldn't believe it. She would not believe that her best friend and mentor for years had just passed away randomly for no apparent reason. She seemed fine the last time Raven saw her on her birthday.

"Police found her body in the river last night," Blythe continued glumly. They ruled it as suicide."

Raven hiccuped, her breath caught in her throat as she struggled to process this new information. "No.." she whispered as tears filled up her eyes.

"I'm sorry Raven...I knew she meant a lot to you," Blythe consoled. But she didn't know, Raven thought. Blythe didn't know of all the times Ms. Ethelde had been there for her when no one bothered to. She didn't know of all the times that she had consoled her when she spent nights bawling her eyes out. Blythe didn't know of what it was like to lose the only friend you ever had.

"Sorry, I need to go," Raven replied shortly. She dumped the rest of her lunch in the trash and hurried out the cafeteria. She went out to the school gardens- one of her favorite spots in the building- to think. It was nice and quiet out here; no one was interested in coming out to the gardens. Now Raven didn't believe that a person like Ms. Ethelde simply gave up, no she believed there was something more to it. Something that wasn't revealed yet. Maybe it had something to do with Avalon she thought. After all, she must know something about the Shimmers when she gifted her that magical necklace. She might have always just found it accidentally at a thrift shop though. Raven kept contemplating different reasons throughout the rest of lunch. She refused to rest without getting to the bottom of it. In the distance, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. Raven sighed, looks like she had to find out later. The rest of the school day passed by in a blur. Raven couldn't focus at all during class- her mind kept wandering back to Ms. Ethelde. When they were walking back home after school, Sky brought up the news to Raven.

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