Faded Part 9

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"You've changed."


"I don't recognize you anymore. You and I, we are not the same. You are different than me."

"But I still love you, David. Does that mean nothing to you?"

"Sometimes love isn't enough."

"I don't understand. What does this mean?"

"It means, I'm saying no."


"I can't marry you, Ian. I feel like I have been in love for the both of us lately."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I can't be with someone who doesn't love me back the same way I do. Who basically has no heart left because he exchanged it for something less valuable. Who is... ice cold."

"You're saying... I have no heart?"

"You don't love me the way you used to, Ian. You think you do, but you love your job, your work more. You love being alone more than being together with me."


"I'm sorry, Ian...I can't do this anymore."

Ian's eyes shoot open and he sits up straight in bed. He's sweating slightly, his body feels hot although a shiver is running down his spine. He rubs a hand over his face, wiping away beads of sweat, and shakes his head a bit so that his hair looks more messy than before. Only now does he notice his heavy panting. He lays a hand over his heart and feels it beating fast. Too fast. He starts to focus on his breathing rhythm and forces himself to take deep breaths through his nose. Slowly he begins to calm down.

Something next to him moves, startling him. He looks over to his left and to his surprise he sees Anthony lying there. Asleep. On his belly. Arms around his pillow, hugging it tightly. Facing away from Ian. Hair messy. Spine bare.

Ian watches Anthony's body move up and down as he takes controlled and calm breaths. He smiles gently, lying back down and scooting a bit closer to Anthony. Normally Anthony sleeps in the guest room. Ian hasn't noticed him slipping in next to him. This is the first time it has happened and it fills him with so much joy.

Suddenly Anthony's body moves again as he turns his head to watch Ian watching him.

"Hey, there. Why aren't you asleep?", he mumbles sleepily.

"I had a dream.", Ian answers smiling. He reaches out and softly runs a hand through Anthony's hair.

"Was it a good one?"

"It wasn't really a dream. It was a memory.", he says honestly. "But it doesn't matter now. Now I have you."

He leans forward and kisses Anthony.

"What do you wanna do tomorrow?", he asks, wrapping his arms tightly around the taller man.

"Maybe we could go to the beach?", Anthony asks. Puppy dog eyes. Ian giggles.

"Alright, no problem. How about Santa Monica? We could also visit the Pier Aquarium."

"Yes, please! I always wanted to go there!", Anthony exclaims excited, very much awake now.

Anthony comes even closer, so that they are chest to chest now.

"Why did you decide to join me tonight?", Ian asks, placing a kiss on Anthony's forehead. "Not that I don't like it... I love it, actually. I was just wondering, why now?"

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