No. Fanflies
You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Turned into fangirls
And made me screech
I don't know why I screamed
But I had a random dream
You'd think me odd but I really like Whipped
I'd like to make myself believe
This is not
'Cause I'm starting to think genociders
Really did no wrong
Give me the bleaaaaachhhh
-To all the Sans fangirls out there
She protecc
She attacc
Must most importantly
She gon' stab yo bacc
-Sans Fangirl
It's impossible to be somebody's wife and girlfriend at the same time. Also, cringey art will not scare people away from Sans (says me, the girl with the cringiest art in the universe). aLsO SANS IS NOT REAL. What if Sans is gay? Also, he loves Papyrus, too. Not you and only you. ALSOOO skele-bois don't have dongs, u walnut.
If u read all that I'm sorry.