big luck

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Well diggity dang I'm just over here fishing for a feebas and at the other end of my line on my second cast I find a shiny magikarp! :00 I'm not a huge fan of gyrados, I like milotic more (that's why i'm looking for feebas). Although shinies have better stats than normal pokemon so if I evolve it into a shiny gyrados I can probably trade it for something good lol-

 Although shinies have better stats than normal pokemon so if I evolve it into a shiny gyrados I can probably trade it for something good lol-

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Y'all probably don't even care but I just kinda wanted to show someone that I'm a cool kid so thank you for paying attention to me ;D

i named it butter heheheh

Ok bye lmaoo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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