Chapter 5

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Dear diary,

I am in the lounge because inside my bedroom it's absolutely freezing! After Joey managed to kick a ball through my window all the cold winds have been creeping in and to make matters worse, the window repair guy isn't able to come for two weeks. And also it is apparently supposed to snow any time now, at least mum said that I could sleep in the lounge till the window is repaired.

Anyway I will be going back to school in a week so today I am planning to sort out my school bag. I need to make sure I have felt tips. I love felt tips! They are so colourful and pretty. Oh no, I just checked in my school bag (I put my things in there to sort out later) and there is everything but felt tips! Why me? I won't be able to cope without them. I have to get some, I just have to. 

So I did what I had to do and snuck out to the shops. I know I shouldn't but I wanna live life on the edge, be a wild child... as long as I am back by dinner which is at 8:00. I am sure that if I leave now I will make it back in time. I climbed out the crack in the window, at least I can get back through that crack when I come back, then I climbed down the fire escape without being spotted. Then I got on my bike at was luckily left in the front the front garden and dashed down the road. Oh no, I had no money on me. Then I saw it, a crisp £20 note laying on the floor. It was a miracle! I have to get it before anyone else does. So I cycled as fast as I could and reached out for it. Then it happened.

A large gust of wind blew the note away down the road, I chased it through two streets until I was too tired. I looked up and spotted the £20 struck by a strike of lightning that randomly shot out of the sky. Oh well, lightning may be lucky, right? I bent down to pick it up and as soon as my fingertips touch the shiny money a shock of electricity shot though me. How am I supposed to put that in my purse if I am gonna keep getting shocks from it. Ohh well a strong girl like me can take a bit of static! After I put it in my purse then in my bag I cycled down the road to the nearest stationary shop.

Up the large window I saw everybody's stationary needs. Pens, pencils, pencil cases, the occasional pencil end and blue glue sticks. But no felt tips! A frown appeared on my face and a single tear slipped down my face. You may be thinking she is so sad, who would cry over felt tips? Well some people have feelings.

Anyway I strode into the shop with a proud look on my face even though I didn't feel that proud but I am not gonna stroll around town looking like a miserable old person am I? I raced down every isle there was then I saw it behind the till. A jumbo pack of super feltpens!! My luck is beginning to change for the better. There is one pack left and I have to get it before some chubby spoilt kid gets it...

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