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A Long time ago when Dragons and Magic exist. There were no Peace. There is 4 Faction In the Hex Realm. The Humans, The Elves, The Dwarfs, and The Beast. The Beast faction were always attacking the Human Villages. Even the Elves and Dwarfs Can't keep them away from Their Villages. The only place that is Safe were the Towns that has Walls around them. But even then, their defense were no match against the Dragons. Not only That but it seems the Beast were helped by Demons. Mages were starting to be possessed by the demons making them turned into Necromancers. Some of the Mages were able to remove the Demons But there is a few Necromancer that escape from them. 

The Humans were forced to make an Alliance with the Elves and Dwarfs. they made an Alliance that is called Trivecta. they started to build an army to purge The Beast. but this action seemed useless as the Beast has leaders now The Necromancer seemed to be Ranking the beast and so their attacks became more strategist. The three kings of The Humans, Elves, and Dwarfs quickly met and gathered to strategies in the Humans castle in the Kingdom of Remos

"What do we do now! Our kingdom will not last at this point! we need to form an attack plan Straight towards them!" Said Reagen with an angry tone. he is the King of The Humans at that time but, even though he is a King he was popular for being an unwise king.

 "Patients, Reagen. There is a time for everything but for now we may have a chance." said Isilynor the king of the Elves.

" What chance Isilynor? Our people are being slaughtered like Pigs out there. i hate to say it but i agree with Reagen. We need to form an Attack plan." Nommuri, The King of The Dwarf, sigh after what he said and cross his hands, on the other hand Reagen was seen by Isilynor slightly lifting his chin as if he's now wiser. 

Isilynor Sighed "We are only going to lose Brave mans if we order an attack to the beast.". 

"Then what are we going to do? Surrender to The Beast? You know that is not an option Isilynor." Nommuri is annoyed because of how Isilynor acted as if they had a chance of defeating The Beast.

a sudden silence came after that and after 5 minutes Isilynor breaks the silence " A long time ago when the Hex region was Created by the God of Creation, Eleanor, she uses The Omega tablet. there is-"

"Why are you Telling us the creation of Hex Realm, Isilynor?" interrupt Reagen. 

"Shut up and listen Reagen!" Isilynor slammed his hand to the table that made Reagen steps back. 

"As i was saying. There is 3 Omega Fragments that has has fallen down to This Realm without the Goddess noticing. The Fragments are only a fist big and yet it hold huge power. the Fragments are The Fragment of Loyalty, The Fragment of Honesty and The Fragment of Chaos. ".

" What is your point Isilynor?" Ask Nommuri with a sudden interest. 

"I'm saying that these Fragments do exist." Stated Isilynor calmly.

"Hahahaha! You really think that the Fragments from a story exist? You sure are a joke to your race, Isilynor."Mocked Reagen 

"Shut your mouth, Reagen. Isilynor must've a reason to tell us this Story" said Nommuri with an annoyed look to Reagen. Nommuri's relationship was always bad ever since they first met and it is with a reason. Reagen was always bragging about his Royal Blacksmith in front of him even though He knew Dwarfs are remarkable Blacksmiths. This, of course made Nommuri Resentful to Reagen

"I do have a Reason." Isilynor Tossed a parchment to the table and it rolled and revealed a map with crosses and an unknown language in it 

"This is a map that my team of researchers recovered from an old temple deep inside the Lemiard Forest. and this Language that you see are the ancient Elven language."

"What does it say Isilynor?" Ask Nommuri.

"It is said that 'These are the location of the Omega Fragments. in every location there will be Trials you must complete to obtain the fragments. but beware of the Guardian as he's only going to let the Chosen People ad kill the others.' " Isilynor then picked up the Parchment and closed it.

" And how are we going to know who's the chosen people Isilynor? I mean if this is true there is no chance of finding the right people. I say we stick to my plan and attack the beast!" Reagen Draws out a dagger and stabs it to the table making the dagger stuck onto the table.

"Reagen made a point, Isilynor. there is no chance of finding the chosen people from all of our people." Nommuri sigh as he was unhappy for agreeing with Reagen.

"There is a way." Isilynor pulled out a wand from his pocket that is made from gold with some kind of White stone in the bottom of it "this is the Wand of Guidance and only the chosen one can make this white stone glow. luckily i possess 10 of the wand." explain Isilynor.

"We don't have the time ,Isilynor! We must attack now!" yell Reagen.

"Again, Reagen, shut your mouth. this may be our only chance to defeat the beast. I know it will be hard to search the chosen people but we have no choice." Nommuri Still with his hand crossed is making an annoyed face.

"Fine! have it your ways but let me make this clear. I'll take 5 wands since my kingdom is way bigger than you." Reagen was of course annoyed but luckily for Isilynor and Nommuri he Agreed.

"Well, than it's settled. Nommuri you may have 3 wands and myself will have 2 wands. And for obvious reason may we have the luck to find the chosen people Fast." After Isilynor handed Reagen's and Nommuri's Wands, Nommuri and Isilynor, then goes back to their own Kingdom. After Nommuri and Isilynor left, Reagen then called out a soldier to spread the message about finding the chosen people.

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