The Start of a Journey

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Night has fallen in the town of Gluts. The villagers were heading to their houses when the chaos started. "Run. w-while you can Shawn." said a man to a young boy he's with. A sword has pierced to his stomach and he is starting to cough blood. The sword was suddenly pulled out from the man's stomach. and after that the man goes limp and falls down. Shawn stood there, frozen, while his mind is trying to proses what just happened. A figure that pulled the sword now stood in front of him. It has green skin tone with a height of about 8 feat tall. He was wearing an armor that Shawn never sees before.

He then starts to swing his sword towards Shawn. Almost instantly Shawn ran. But as he ran to his house he spots many of this Creature that killed his father. He then remember that these creatures are named Ogres.  Knowing he stand no chance of surviving if he stays in the town, Shawn immediately ran towards the forest and hides in a bush hoping he wouldn't be found. As soon as he hides, a loud scream was heard in one of the houses. Shawn covered his ears as he didn't want to hear anything. as soon as he covered his ear something gr-



"Y-Yes master." Reply Shawn after he woke up from the dream he had. It was odd for him to dream about 10 years ago when the day he lost his father and  captured by a slave trader. Nevertheless he is now has to make his master breakfast before his master punish him. He quickly gets up from his bed ,if you can say that's a bed, and put on his clothes. He head straight to the kitchen and started to cook Scrambled Egg and bacon for his  master. After he's done cooking the food, he then give it to his master who is siting on the diner table.

"About time." Said Donavan. Shawn waited for his 35 year old master to finish eating. "Shawn have you heard?" Ask Donavan after he finish eating his food. "Hear what exactly,  master Donavan?" Shawn was confused of what news that his master heard. "The news about finding the chosen people of course." Said Donavan while he put up his feet onto yhe table. "Oh, that news. Of course I know master."

"Well the rumor has it that if Someone's slave is one of the chosen people. His or her master will be rewarded." Donavan smirks after he said that and Shawn immediately know he will be punished. "I have a sword that you can use down in the basement. Go get it and prepare your stuff we're going to the town hall. And for your sake, if you turned out not to be one of the chosen people well... let's just say you're going to sleep on the floor and only eat once per week for the rest of your life."

"Y-Yes master. I will not let you down" Shawn immediately goes to the basement door. He knew he will be punished because there is no chance of him to be one of the chosen people. But then again he has no choice but to take the sword and pack his stuff even though there is no need for him to pack because he does not own anything except some clothes. Shawn opens the door that leads to the basement revealing some old furniture. Almost immediately he found two swords. One of them was the most beautiful sword he has ever seen. He knew that the sword that his master meant was the other sword. So he grab the one beside it. It is a decent sword thought Shawn. But somehow the sword turned into dust and purple smoke was coming out from the dust. Shawn was shocked and almost immediately look towards the other sword. It was only a glimpse but he saw it. It was glowing with a black color. Being Spooked out by it, Shawn still grab the Sword and goes to his master.

"Finally. What took so long?" Donavan looks at what sword Shawn brought and smirks." Ah, so you're having a dead wish now? Go back and take the other sword. It is dangerous even to wield that sword, Boy." Said Donavan. "But Master... the other sword turned to dust." Shawn was a little unsettled because of what his master warned him." Hm... very peculiar.. very peculiar indeed. Anyway let's get going to the town hall."

Shawn and his master, Donavan, sets off to the town hall. Shawn notices as they walk that his master keeps his distance with him. Donavan's house were in the outskirts of the town so there is not much people there. It was boring at first but when they arrived at the market well... things get lively. Shawn saw people preparing their  goods to be sold. There are also people buying the goods. Most of them were adventurer that are buying supplies for their journeys. Shawn was always amazed by Adventurer since they are brave enough to venture out there when the beast were always lurking.

It was a straight path to the Townhall from the market. They were lucky, since it's still morning the line of people that is waiting for their turn was still short enough that it will only took about one hour to get into the town hall. But suddenly they were intercepted by a guardsman. "Donavan! What the hell are you doing? Letting a slave hold The Cursed Sword! Are you mad?!?" Said the Guardsman. "Now now Pierford, Calm down. Believe it or not this slave was chosen by the sword." Replied Donavan calmly. "What do you mean Donavan? You know that is impossible." Pierford seem uneasy after he heard Donavan. "Relax Pierford, I never wanted my slave to die. I paid good gold to get him and so I never wanted him to die." Donavan put his right hand onto Pierford's left shoulder to calm him. "Fine Donavan, but if I see this slave pull his sword in the town I'll kill him."Pierford then looked at Shawn with a death stare that made Shawn have goosebumps. "Very well Pierford, I'll leave you two with it then." After saying that, Pierford left.

"Remember those words about not pulling the sword, Shawn. He meant it when he will try to kill you." Said Donavan to Shawn. "What do you mean by try, master?" Ask Shawn with high curiosity. But his master doesn't answer his question and stands in the line and Shawn follows. Shawn thought that he was like a sheep in a pack of wolf. Neither the front nor the back line was full of Swordsman, Archers, and more. Shawn was rather bored since he was going to wait for an hour for his turn. Times passed and there is a lot of people who've failed to become the chosen one. When Shawn thinks back he never knew what will he do to become one of the chosen people. He suddenly changed from being Bored to worried. He knew that if he fails, he's going to suffer. "Next." said one of the Guardsman whose guarding the door to the Townhall. Shawn Stood there frozen still thinking about what to do. "Don't hold the line if you're just going to stand there." Said the Guardsman. "Shawn, get in." Donavan was poking Shawn's hand. " O-oh.. Yes master." Shawn immediately goes in. Inside there is a man dressed with royalty uniform and holding a wand with white stone at the bottom of the wand.

"Come here." the man ordered Shawn. "Y-Yes Sir." Shawn is obviously nervous because of the chance of him to be chosen. "An Odd Clothes for a Swordsman" said the man. "W-well I am no Swordsman. I am only a... s-slave" Shawn was trembling all the time now. "Hm... well then did you escape from your master or what?" Ask the man. "N-no. he thought i-if I am chosen h-he will be awarded." Replied Shawn. "Indeed he will. Now hold this wand and if it glows well.... let's just say you're life us going to change." The man Smiles at Shawn that it spooks him even the Guardsman behind him was looking away because the smile that the man gives was creepy. Shawn closed his eyes and holds out his hand. He constantly thinks about what will he do when he fails. Suddenly Shawn's hand was warmer. He instantly looked at the wand and saw the white stone glows. Everyone in the room gasp and the man was very happy. "W-what does this mean?" Ask Shawn with rather an alert state if it means he failed. "This mean you're one of the chosen people!" Yell the man. Shawn was confused between happy or scared since he will go straight into danger. " Now, Where is your master?" Ask The man.

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