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i watched silently as a brunette man walked into this store, bent slightly forward as if he's lazy to walk.

he took an onomichi ramen and stepped to the counter. i straightened my back and fix my hair. he put the ramen on the counter as he pull out his black wallet from the back of his pocket.

i scanned the ramen and stated the price to him, he paid with the exact amount of price. "would you like a plastic?" i asked politely, smiling as i do so.

he finally looked into my eyes, and what scared me is that it looks so blank and empty, as if he is soulless. he opened his mouth slightly, "yes." he shortly answered to my question.

i snatched a plastic bag and stuff the ramen into it, giving him the said plastic. he quietly took it and look at me straight into my eyes with a blank stare. "thanks."

even his thanks are empty, what is up with this man? i shake away my thoughts and smiled to him. "thanks for stopping by!"

he muttered a "yeah" and took the plastic bag away from the counter, walking slowly to the entrance door.

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