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the same guy entered the store again today, and even bought the same ramen too.

as i was scanning the price, i look into his eyes. "hi, what's your name?" i asked, sounding as polite as possible.

he raised his eyebrows, "are you hitting on me?" he asked, making a slightly disgusted face.

i faked a cough, "no, i was just curious. i always see you buy the same ramen for the past 3 days. it would be nice to know your name, you know?" i said, handing him a bag of ramen.

he kept quiet at my comment, which makes the situation more awkward than it already is before. i rubbed the back of my nape, this is awkward for sure.

before he turns around and exit the store, he looked at me with his blank stare. "yoongi." he shortly said.

i raised my eyebrows, "excuse me?" he sighed, shaking his head while he looks at the ground.

"min yoongi, that's my name." he spoke, furrowing his brows. i smiled, "that's a lovely name." i complimented, causing a slight blush on both his cheeks, even his eyes looked brighter and even more lively.

he coughed, "i- yeah, thanks. i suppose your name is (your name)." he said, avoiding eye contacts which seems like he's trying to hide his face too.

i crept a smile to my face, "correct."

he looked at me, "well, thanks." he quickly exits the store. and i can see him touching his cheeks, as if he's shy.

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