Tear me to peices ••••••••••••

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"Chan." Jeongin whispered. Chan didn't respond, but his ears twitched in attention. Jeongin stroked Chan's hair and kissed his forehead. Chan had fallen asleep on Jeongin about an hour ago. Jeongin didn't mind, but he needed to talk to Seungmin about the plans. "Channie~" Jeongin tried again. Chan stirred a bit before nuzzling his head deeper into Jeongins neck. "Yes love?" Chan finally responded. His voice was a little raspy and ruff sounding, but Jeongin oddly liked it. "I need to go." Jeongin said softly. He didn't want to fully wake Chan up, he just wanted him to roll off of him. Chan clung to Jeongin like a koala. "Go? Where?" Chan asked sternly while still half-asleep. "I have to go talk to-"
"Minho?" Chan bitterly spat. Chan's grip on Jeongin grew tighter. "N-no!" Jeongin yelled. Chan sat up in shock, he hadn't realized he was getting jealous all over again. "I'm sorry." Chan apologized. Jeongin sat up and ruffled Chan's hair. It was safe to say that Chan's hair was the softest thing he'd ever touched with his own two hands. "It's okay." Jeongin soothed. Jeongin didn't want to see Chan upset. It was easily his least favorite thing in the entire world. To see a man so great, handsome, and talented, so upset, lost, and broken. Chan always wanted to be the strong one. The one to fix things. He was almost unreal, and to see him break down and cry his eyes out to the point of exhaustion was worse than anything Jeongin could imagine. Jeongin kissed Chan's soft lips and held his hands in his own. "I need to talk to Seungmin." Jeongin said against Chan's lips. Chan shuddered when he felt Jeongins breath fan over his face. He wanted to pin Jeongin to the bed and kiss him, mark him, and do so much more. However, he didn't. "You know Seungmin?" Chan asked, intrigued. Chan pulled Jeongin back onto the bed and spooned him under the thick blanket. It was all he was comfortable doing at the moment. Jeongin felt so warm. He wanted to snuggle closer to Chan and fall asleep, but he had things to do and people to see. "Yeah. He's the one that found me in the hallway." Jeongin explained. Chan stayed silent, but pulled Jeongin closer. "Chan," Jeongin continued. "Did you know about Felix?" Chan's grip noticeably loosened. Chan used one of his hands to rub his face and push his hair out of his eyes. "Yeah, I did." Chan admitted. "Why didn't you at least tell me?" Jeongin asked. "I didn't want you to worry." Chan said. Jeongin turned around and kissed Chan's nose. Chan blushed and gave a look of shock to Jeongin. Jeongin giggled and kissed Chan's cheek. He would kiss Chans face all day if he could. He bet Chan would let him. "You worry too much." Jeongin pouted. Chan huffed and crossed his arms. "I always worry about you. I can't help it." Chan scoffed. Jeongin hit Chan's arm lightly and rolled out of his grasp. "Will you take me to Seungmin?" Jeongin asked sweetly. He batted his eyelashes at Chan and made a cute pouty face. "Please?" Jeongin begged. Chan didn't respond, he just turned around and faced the wall. "Fine." Jeongin said flatly. "I guess I'll go find Minho Hyung to escort me." Jeongin teased. Chan shot up from the bed and some how grabbed a large hoodie out of thin air. "Bundle up. It gets cold toward the night." Chan quickly informed. Jeongin pulled the excessively large hoodie over his head and felt really safe and concealed in its thick fabric. Chan turned the light off and helped Jeongin find his was toward the door. "Let's go." Chan growled lowly into Jeongins ear. Jeongin whimpered, not out of fear, but of satisfaction. He loved when Chan talked like that. Chan mentally sighed, a smile forming on his features naturally. He knew he loved Jeongin, but he'd just realized how whipped he really was.
A/N: How is school for some of you? Winter break just ended and it's back to stress and responsibilities 😛

 ———————————————————————A/N: How is school for some of you? Winter break just ended and it's back to stress and responsibilities 😛

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