7| My Roommate Is A Birthday Boy

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7| My Roommate Is A Birthday Boy

this is very short update, sorry guys, school is a bitch.

"Ok, go over the rules again." Sasha requested, I sighed for the hundredth time. He was already breaking one of them ('do not annoy me with questions') before the plan was even in full affect.

"No sex in the kitchen or table area," I said and made sure to look at him, "that's where the food is, it's disgusting."

"It was one time!" He said defensively and I looked at him in disbelief. It took him me fifty times to go over the rules for him to admit that.

"Ew, what the hell?" I spat out at him with a nasty look.

"Moving on." He shrugged it off like it was nothing. And it took me everything to not slap him right then in there.

"No feelings, no strings attached." This was a major rule in the whole rebound contract because this is what separates the relationship of intimacy and the rebound. We were not to catch any type of feelings.

"No sharing," I said rolling my eyes. "No telling others and no changes, we have to act like how we were before this whole thing. It would decrease the awkwardness."

A few rules later we were done.

"Okay," Sasha started tiredly, "so is it a deal or not?"

"Yeah, it's a deal." I finally said. It was like signing a deal with the devil at this point but I was confident in the rules, if I wanted something to go a certain way I would make sure it went that way.

Too bad I was way in over my head.




It's been a month since our contract-deal and I must say, life has been easier. My grades weren't looking bad as before, and I over heard some people talking about me being 'hot.' Even Lanie and Anders noticed a the difference, I was 'glowing.'

And all that was over this sex.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hoe. I wouldn't dare use Sasha in a moment which I didn't need him, or we wouldn't want to.

I walked over to the kitchen counter and took out groceries from the white plastic bags.

"Solana," Sasha said hurriedly walking out of his room, "you're here...early."

"I am," I said slowly wondering why he was in a rush and looked surprised, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said a little too fast and right away it was obvious he was hiding something, "just..."

That's when I noticed his attire. He was wearing a clean cut black suit with the blazer open and a skinny black tie. He was sex on legs.

"W-why are you dressed like that?" I asked nervously as my eyes roamed his figure. This whole contract sex deal also brought out another side of me I didn't know I had, which made me look at men ten times hotter. Especially Sasha himself.

"Why?" He wiggled his eyebrows, "you like?"


"If you must know," he continued, "today...is my birthday, and I am to accompany my family at dinner."

Wait. "Today is your birthday? How come I didn't know that? I'm your roommate for God's sake!"

"Yeah it's not really the best thing to celebrate right now," he rolled his eyes, "and it was never brought up."

"So you have family, right?" I said obviously, "why haven't I've seen them?"

"Family is a complicated thing right now," he admitted and I saw the honesty in his eyes, "enough of my problems, now that you know it's my birthday....will I get a present?"

I scoffed in surprise at his change of tone and the question, "what do you have in mind?"

The foreign beauty walked closer to me until he was right behind me and stuffed his hands in my jean back pockets. His closeness set a fire in me. He trusted his pelvis forward and whispered in my ear,

"Birthday sex."

I didn't even realize I wasn't breathing until I let out a long breath that gave oxygen to my lungs. "Can you not act like that?"

"Like what?" He purred.

"Stop doing that, the whispering in my ear. No flirting." I was surprised I said that, usually it would've came out jumbled together or it wouldn't come out at all because I would still be stuttering "stop."

"But I know you like it when I flirt with you."

Which was right as much as I wanted it to be wrong.

"Shut up, Ass." I snapped but smiled when I said it.

A beat.

"You know what," he started, "come with me."

I was taken aback from his words. "Come with you..." I trailed off. He mustn't be talking about me coming to see his parents. Wasn't that stepping over the line?

"To this family dinner, come with me."

"You want me to meet your family?" I asked incredulously.

"Trust me it's better then me alone with them," he said loud enough for me to hear but not purposeful.

How intimidating.


Next Chapter:My Roommate Is My Logodnică

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