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I waved to my brother who drove off exiting the school grounds. I was about to walk into the school corridors which were slightly empty. Only a few students who were excused were the only ones outside of their classrooms. Yes, I was late and I knew it. I slept in and woke up at 8:11 and school started at 7:50. I still had to get ready too.

Thinking that I was alone was false. I felt weight from behind me. Tackling me making me stumble forwards.

"Woah there" I stood up properly and turned towards whoever was behind me.

"Hendery?" He flashed me a smile. A bright one. Was he late like I am?

"Why are you not in class?" I ask.

"I should be the one asking you that Gyuhi" He chuckles as his smile never left his face.

"Well, I had a good sleep. Too good to realize that there was school" I sighed, knowing that I'd probably get detention.

"Hahah, me too!" He points at himself cheerfully. It seemed like he didn't know the consequences if you're late. He is new after all.

"I guess we'll have to go to class. I'll put some of my stuff away first okay?" He nodded as we head to our lockers.

The period our class was having was currently maths. The teacher was strict and she didn't like her class getting interrupted.

I met up with Hendery at the front of the closed door in math class. I let out a breath before opening the door. All eyes were on the both of us. We looked at the teacher who had a devilish smile plastered on her face.

"What do we have here?" She asks as she places the chalk down.

"Late students hmm?" I swear, sometimes her voice makes me want to grab her heels and stab the shit out of her.

"You, and you! Detention after school!" I muttered a curse under my breath. I really hated this teacher, she's the reason why I didn't want to go to school.

I sat beside a girl named Chaeyeon, we were friends but we weren't too close. We are comfortable with each other and from time to time we hung out.

"Oo, why were you with a guy?~" She teases in a quiet whisper. I sighed.

"We were both late, I didn't do anything bad with him I swear" She knits her eyebrows together. "I wasn't thinking about anything dirty Gyuhi" She let out a loud laugh grabbing the class' attention.

"Is there anything you girls want to share?" The teacher asks.

"No" I say with a tone.

"Are you sure?" The teacher raises an eyebrow at me.

"I said no, and you said you didn't like getting your class interrupted, but right know you're waisting your own class time so please, mind your own business and continue teaching" I snapped. The class made some weird noises while the teacher turned around and continued her teaching with an embarrassed face.

"Dang Gyuhi, you're cool" She looks at me with bright twinkling eyes.

The class ended in a blink of an eye. I was late after all and missed a few minutes of class. "Gyuhi, Hendery. Stay back, I'll have to talk to you two" The teacher calls us out as I was about to walk out with both Yuqi and Chaeyeon.

I looked behind me to see Hendery, Yangyang, and Xiaojun, they were ready to leave until we got called. I told the girls to go ahead. I didn't want them to be late for our next class.

"You two will be helping the lunch ladies clean the kitchen later after school. So both of you WILL NOT leave until the kitchen is completely clean" The teacher instructs.

"There's janitors for a reason, why can't they just do it?" I say.

"Why do you keep talking back at me Miss Kim?" I shrugged as a response for the teacher. "Do you want me to add some other things to do?" I shook my head.

"Do we get anything? Do we even get paid?" I ask.

"Sadly yes, you'll get paid but it's not unless you get the job done" I nodded. The teacher let us out to go to our next class which we were also late for because we were held back for a few minutes. It was okay though, history classes were pretty boring in my opinion. Lots of students gave up and slept.

"Mr. Im, sorry were late, we were held back by Mrs. Ko" I bowed and apologized. The teacher nodded and signalled us to take our seats. This time I sat with Yangyang. We sat at the dark and lonely corner, away from the window seats.

"Im so sleepy" Yangyang stretches his arms and rests his head on the table. He lifts his head up again to adjust his seat and rest his head on my shoulders instead.

I sat there frozen in my seat. Not knowing what to do. I was getting sleepy myself but Yangyang was completely asleep. The teacher yawned throughout the time he read paragraphs from the textbook which made us even more sleepier.

There were only five minutes left until class ended. Lots of students kept looking at the clock, waiting for time to pass by because after the last five minutes was lunch.

The bell rings and everyone stands up as they gather their supplies. Meanwhile I sat there with a baby asleep on my shoulder. I shook the sleeping Yangyang beside me waking him up.

He mumbled stuff that I couldn't understand so he probably spoke Chinese. His arms snake around my waist as he snuggles closer to me.

"Yuqi, Yuqi! Help me" I whisper in a panicked way. I was getting flustered as he pulls me closer.

"Yangyang! Wake up!" Yuqi shouts at him waking him up. He sits there surprised. His hair was messed up as his friends watched him as they slightly chuckle.

"Its lunch time, you guys should go eat" I tell them. I walk off with Yuqi as we meet up with some of the girls outside of the cafeteria. We had our own lunches instead of eating the ones in the cafeteria. They didn't really taste too good.

"Dude, Gyuhi and Hendery went to class together and both of them were late!" Yuqi squeals as she sits down beside Dahyun.

"Yeah, I have to stay with him after school because we both got detention" I sighed and started eating. Everything was quieter than usual making me stop and look up.

The girls all looked at me with mischievous smiles. "Don't do anything bad with him okay?" Chaeyoung says.

"Why would I?"

"Because you and Xiaojun are a win-win, both of you guys are cute together" She winks at me.

"Okay guys, just- just keep eating, lunch is going to end soon" I sighed. I felt my face heat up which they noticed. All of them cooing and teasing me.

Its going to take me a while to get home. All I want to do is lay in bed all day.

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Sorry for the late updates y'all (=^x^=)

LOVE SQUARE ✎ X.J,  W.H,  L.Y x OCWhere stories live. Discover now