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I still felt overwhelmed with what happened earlier. Yet, a smile was still plastered onto my face knowing one of the guys that I liked actually had the courage to confess to me.

Next class was the same old vocal class— actually I cant say that anymore, TaeIl had finally been accepted for the company with the help of me and my two other friends, his last day of working at this school was an emotional roller coaster, especially for us of course; we were the ones who had helped him reach out to his dreams which he finally fulfilled, yet I'm going to miss that guy.  Not to mention, my schedule had been changed. Third period was swimming class and we'd eventually get our new swimsuits. Fuck.

"Oi, Gyuhi!" Knowing who it was I turned my head around with a smile.

"Chaeyoung, Eunha" I walked up to them and squeezed myself in the middle walking beside them.

"I wonder who the new vocal teacher is" Eunha asks. And reminded me of something, two of my friends who took vocal classes with me don't know who the new teacher is, I knew him and he is close to my brother. We were all good friends, mostly when we were kids back in elementary.

"I hope he's as nice as Mr. TaeIl" Chaeyoung says, pouting, yet nervousness in the tone of her voice.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure the teacher is going to be a clown" I say, rolling my eyes while smirking. As we neared the class, we saw Xiaojun opening the door, he seemed to have notice our presence and turned his head to look at us. He smiles squinting a little.


He opens the door letting us into the classroom and sat ourselves. It was no surprise that Xiaojun would sit beside me, but I didn't mind it. The teacher wasn't here yet and that wasn't a surprise, I leaned my back against the chair which I didn't seem to notice that Xiaojun's arm was also there resting behind me.

Finally the teacher had seem to arrive. The door open and was shut closed. I puckered my lips before running up to the front to give the 'teacher' which was basically my friend, a hug.

"Idiot, you shouldn't late now that you're a teacher." I joked making him roll his eyes.

"Well sorry not sorry hunny, you'll have to deal with my shit for the rest of the school year." He spat out teasingly before patting my head, "now go to your seat, I'll have to introduce myself." I nodded, running back to my seat beside Xiaojun.

Finally the new teacher had parted his lips to introduce himself. "Well, hel— fucking—lo kids, I'll be your new vocal teacher, my name is Seungkwan Boo and please don't act like shit towards me or I'll shit on your face, thank you" Seungkwan bowed dramatically making me let out a giggle.

"Isn't that one of your brothers' friends?" Eunha asks, I nod in response.

"And I oOp— Oh, my little Gyuhi is sitting next to a guy~ aww that's adorable, what's your boyfriends name Gyuhi?" Seungkwan teasingly asks, making me let out a small scoff.

Xiaojun seemed to have notice the irritation spreading across my whole face and decided to speak up.

"Oh, sir we're not—"

I placed my hand on his thigh, surprising him and making him stop talking. "His name is Xiaojun, Seungkwan. Fuck off, you're making my boyfriend feel uncomfortable." As I said that, I laced my hand with his. whispers from the students started echoing throughout the classroom, but I didn't mind it because the students at this school forget shit easily so..

"Okay, calm down Gyuhi, I was just teasing" Seungkwan laughed walking back to his desk. As Seungkwan did the class attendance, I noticed Eunha and Chaeyoung looking at me shockingly.

"You guys are dating?!" Chaeyoung shouts in a whisper voice.

I shook my head, smiling in a smug way. "No, we're not dating, unless he wants too..." I looked over at Xiaojun, his eyes twinkling as he stares at me.

"You know you didn't have to do that right? I know you don't have feelings for me, I feel like dick now. You don't have feelings for me and I could tell, you don't even say I love you ba—" Xiaojun stammers making me cut him off by placing my index finger onto his lips.

"Xiaojun, let me say something." i paused for a second, leaning to his left ear, whispering; "I love you." And leaned to his right ear whispering; "not as a friend."


"Class is starting lovebirds, If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm locking you guys up into the janitors closet" Seungkwan threatens making me laugh.

The class with Seungkwan actually isn't that bad. As I expected, he was just clowning around throughout the vocal lessons, even if I preferred TaeIl to teach because he was pretty chill and serious, I'm also still happy about Seungkwan teaching vocals because our ending term marks are going to be high for sure.

Class had finally ended and Seungkwan excused himself to the bathroom. I was pulled back by Xiaojun though which prevented me from leaving the classroom. I told the girls to go ahead and they did.

"Gyuhi," Xiaojun called out, holding both of my hands. "Gyuhi, do you really mean it?" He asks.

"Yeah, I do" I say while nodding, my thumbs caressing his hands.

"Well then, I love you too" He smiles at me making me feel some sort of heat spreading across my face.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" I nod, the smile never leaving my face. He leans closer to my face, knowing what was about to happen, I closed my eyes, yet I felt his lips press against my forehead.

"I won't kiss you on the lips just yet. I Mean, I did that before but it was just a peck, "he stopped for a second or two before pecking me on my nose. "I'll give you a long-lasting kiss once we're official, but for now—" he stops himself again, just to peck my lips. "This is all that I'm going to be giving to you" He continues.

"I'll see you later Gyuhi!" Xiaojun ran out of the classroom, sparing glances and me from time to time. I sat myself back onto my chair, trying to clam my breathing.

"Fuck.." I whispered to myself.

"I saw that" Seungkwan teased, as he walks into the room.

"Oh, shut up" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not going to tell your brother anything, unless you actually make it official." Seugkwan winks at me, smirking.

"Whatever Seungkwan." I laughed, bidding him a goodbye as I ran to my locker to grab my bag that had extra clothes.

"What's up next then Gyuhi? Yangyang confessing to you?" I muttered to myself, giggling a bit as I make my way to the pool area.


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Next week, I'll be publishing new chapters. I'll try to publish by Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

It'll be the individual chapters, meaning that this book is actually ending, sadly. BUT, to end things off, I'm actually going to make a foursome smut because a reader requested it.

I'm actually serious about making that chapter so moneyjeon you better send me a bucketful of holy water.

Next up is Yangyang, so hold your weaves kids, the next chapter is going to be wet.

lol they're going to be in the pool hoes.

LOVE SQUARE ✎ X.J,  W.H,  L.Y x OCWhere stories live. Discover now