Thank You!!

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So, updates went slower than usual and for that I apologize, but I'm back and ready to update my stories. Especially with Wrong Number.

As I said I'll be making a book about the one and only Jeon Jungkook. I wont say anything about what the book will be about.. actually nah, maybe I'll spoil a little bit if it. 👀👀

So apparently, you find Jungkook in your closet.. that's all I'm gonna say, you (the reader) will find Jungkook in your closet in the story 🤡🤡.

Anyhow, I've got to sleep because my sleeping schedule has been shit lately. But anyways, I thank you all again for reading and finishing Love Square!!

Maybe I'll make a book 2, who knows 🤭

Anyways, good night loves I hope you all have a good day and/or night 💝💝💝

LOVE SQUARE ✎ X.J,  W.H,  L.Y x OCWhere stories live. Discover now