whats happening...

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Gabriel heard the horrible retching and was immediately concerned. He got up and went to Sam's room not even caring to knock. He opened the door to find her gasping for air and blood spilling from her mouth. "Sam!" He yelled frantically running to her side. Only now noticing her hair not looking the same but he dudnt care. Fear having hold on him. "Sam are you ok?"

"Get.... Dean." She gasped holding her chest. He nodded dumbly. He frantically scrambled to the stairs,           "DEAN CAS, HELP!!!"
Almost seconds later Dean followed by cas were running up the stairs. "Its Sam!" Gabriel said his voice shaky. They were already passed him.

Dean slid on the floor besides Sam, heart clenching at the sight of the blood. "De," she gasped. "Sammy? Sammy talk to me, stay awake, what hurts?" Dean asked trying to keep the fear out of his voice. "Evrthng," she whimpered. "Cnt.. breath." She exclaimed gasping. Her eyes rolling up in her head as she lost the fight to consciousness. "Cas, call 911 now!" Dean shouted urgently. Gabriel fell to his knees beside her. "What's happening?" He cried. "Not now." Dean responded.

"I dont think she's breathing." Dean said his voice trembling. "I need you to help me, ok? When I say, I want you to breath into her mouth, got it?" Dean asked pulling himself together. Gabriel nodded scared. Dean started compressions and told Gabriel when to breath. Gabriel could taste the coppery metallic taste when he did. After a minute of trying there was an intake of air. Maybe not big or dramatic how it was in the movies but the relief was all the same. They could hear the sirens in the distance. "Its ok, you're going to be ok," Dean kept repeating soothingly in a shaky whisper. Gabriel's eyes never left Sam's pale flushed cheeks. The emts arrived and started putting her on a stretcher. They spout off words that Gabriel didnt understand but both Cas and Dean seemed to have understood perfectly. "Vitals dropping," one called as they hooked her up in the ambulance. "We need to move now," the other called urgently. "Go," cas said gently and dean nodded getting inside. "Cas what's going on?" Gabriel asked as they walked to her car. "Its a lot to explain and if Dean think it's ok to tell you he can but I was requested not to tell anyone." She said sadly but she was staying true to her promise.

On the ambulance things weren't looking good. "Heart rates dropping breathing is irregular," "no choice we have to intubate." One shook their head and Dean continued to hold Sam's hand. "It'll be ok, you'll be ok. You got to get through this. You might owe me 10 bucks in 7 months dont you dare leave me now." Dean pleaded. "Blood pressures critical alert the hospital to have a dephiblator on stand by." One of them announced. "Please, Sammy," Dean said letting a tear fall from his eye.

As soon as they got to the hospital she was rushed away by the many doctors there. Dean paced the the hospital emergency department. Gabriel and Cas came in 10 mins after. "How is she?" Cas asked immediately and Dean could see where Gabriel had been crying. "They had to intubate and her status is critical," his voice cracking. "I'm so sorry sweetie," Cas said taking Dean into her hug holding his head and Dean sniffed. "Cas, the last time we were here they said her heart wouldnt be able to handle critical." He said fear and distraught in his voice. "I know baby, but we cant think like that, ok? We have to believe shes strong enough." Dean nodded his head.

"Dean," Gabriel croaked causing dean to direct his attention to him. "What's wrong with Sam? Is- is she gonna be ok?" He asked. Gabriel didnt want to lose her. Gabriel didnt want the world to lose her. He wanted to know what was wrong and help. He just wanted to make her happy. Dean tried at a sad smile but couldnt even muster it.

"She is really really sick and that's really all I can say because knowing sam and judging by the way she looks at you she'll want to tell you herself." After gabriel falling asleep on cas, cas falling asleep on dean, and dean tapping into his 'my little sister's sick insomnia' mode, the doctor came in after a couple hours, "Samantha Winchester."

Dean stood up instantly not even thinking about the falling dominoes he was holding up but at least it woke them up. "How is she?" The instant question.

"She is stable, thankfully. It was touch and go for a while. She came to not to long ago. No brain damage from lack of oxygen. We have her in her room. She will be intubated till the morning then we will put her on 100% oxygen. Now we did some tests," that was what Dean was waiting for. The dreaded explanation. "The tumor moved. In doing so it caused a bleed in her stomach which were hoping the antibiotics we have her on will help without taking to extreme measures such as surgery. Unfortunately the tumor has migrated it's way to her lungs," Dean sucked in air at that. They had tried so hard to keep it out of her lungs. "Her lungs will not be strong enough on their own from now on and I know she is going to hate this but she will have to be on constant oxygen. I'm not going to lie with the tumor in her heart and lungs," the doctor didnt finish because he didnt have to. Dean knew it meant her chances of seeing this day next year were next to nothing. Dean nodded. The doctor led them to her room and Dean took a seat beside of her and Gabriel the other side. Cas being 2 months pregnant was just to tired and still had to work a shift in the morning so she fell asleep on the couch.

Morning came and Sam slowly woke up. Hospital, gosh that smell never changes. Ventilator? That's not good. Someone's holding my hand and it's not Dean. Dean's hands have calluses. These are familiar but.. oh gabriel. She opens her eyes. Dean's asleep, good. Gabriel is asleep on my hand. Awww. She strokes his cheek weakly. Got to let them know I'm awake so they can get this stupid thing out of my throat. Hmm but how. She looks over at Dean and gets an idea. She gently lifts her legs used her toe to tap Dean. Hey jerk, wake up ain't dieing any slower over here. Dean wakes up after the third tap. "Oh sammy, your awake I'll go get the doctor." Woe thanks didnt notice I was awake guess what dean, cas is pregnant oh you knew that already because she the one who told you man, isnt it crazy how that works? Seriously it seems Dean never knows what to say when I'm awake in a hospital other than 'do you come here often' and that's because I said it first.so he knew was ok to say. Sam thought humorously. Gabriel woke up and looked at her sadly.

Great Dean told him. I'm gonna get uncle Bobby to shoot him so full of buck shot..... now hes just gonna see me as the sick cancer patient. That's peachy.. man my life is just like an embarrassing dinner party... check please... the doctor came in and have that same smile on he did everytime to try and reassure everyone it was ok... yea Dr. Moore everything's ok for you but let me tell you something. When you put someone like me on flippin ventilator and then come in here smiling it make me want to show you just 'ok' it feels for a ventilator to be down your throat. Because guess what unless o.k stands for On. Krack or Off. Kilter no nothing is ok.... other than luci if o.k means on krack then yes hes ok.. hehe..

"Hi sam, how ya doin this morning?" Are you serious... WHAT DO YOU THINK.. this guys did go to college right? He does realise I cant answer with a freaking tube in my mouth, RIGHT?...... I'm peachy how bout u? Sam gave a week thumbs up making the doctor chuckle. "Alright you ready for that tube to come out?" Is he.. is he.. is that a question.... no u know what you go take a lunch break or something I just started to get to know the tube were becoming friends.. I might name him sully... OF COURSE IM READY. She nods slightly careful not to jerk it. "Ok on the count of 3 I need you to cough for me ok?" She nods again. "1...2...3.." she started coughing. After it was out they gave her some ice chips for her throat. "So how are you feeling?" The doctor asked putting the cunulla on her. "Like I just had a tube down my throat." She croaks sarcastically making everybody chuckle. "Alright I'll leave you be for now to discuss as usual I will leave it to you to talk to Sam," the doctor says to Dean. Dean nods knowing the drill. Oh crap. Dean has to tell me information..... was the monkey unavailable.. was he the last resort? Is the monkey ok?

Dean sighed and sam could tell it was the usual 'it's been along night' sigh. It was the 'where do I begin sigh'. Dean looks worried and he never tries to look worried around me.. this is serious.
"Sam we need to talk..."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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