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Diannes pov
I watched as Zoe clutched onto Joe. Joe was sobbing as was Zoe. I felt tears roll down my face.
Joe looked up from Zoe's chest. He beckoned to them and they both wrapped their arms around me
"Don't cry Di." joe said
I took hold of his hand
"Joe you promised me a year ago that you would protect me no matter what. And now I'm going to promise you if you ever need me or need someone to talk to. I will always be there no matter what. Even if I'm dying in a hospital bed. I'll be there no matter what." I said
Zoe wiped her eyes and I hugged Joe tightly
"I'll always be there no matter what. Right now I need you both" Joe said
"I love you Joe" I said
"I love you to " He said
I pulled away from our hug and wiped his tears away.
Joe hugged Zoe
I smiled.
Joe pulled away and Zoe hugged me .
"How about you go spend some time with the girls and Byron" Zoe said
"Okay then" Joe said
He kissed me.
"See you in a bit" he said
He got up and walked up the stairs
Me and Zoe sat on the sofa
"Dianne what are we going to do about Joe. I'm so worried about him." Zoe said
"Zoe I have no idea. I mean I have ways that I can help him. Starting with no Work stuff or very little which means telling him that he can't make videos . I can't do that to him though. Joe loves his Job but I feel it could stress him out more. I could talk to Caspar and his close friends and see if they have any ideas but there a way of helping him it's just making sure he doesn't do anything daft" I said
"We can't stop him from doing the one thing he loves. Joe can be stubborn sometimes so I think it's out the picture . I think talking to Caspar is your best bet. I don't want to go behind Joes back but I don't think he'll be fond of the idea. Keep Josh away for now and we'll figure out what's going on with him later. Joes in trouble Dianne and he needs you " Zoe said
"Zoe he needs us both right now. We need to help him or we're going to lose him forever" I said
"What are we going to do" Zoe said
"I've got an idea " I said
Later that Evening.
Danni was asleep beside Joe and he had Dainelle in his arms.
Me,Zoe and Joe were all sat on the sofa .
"Joe I need to tell you something " I said
"Yeah What is it " Joe said with a smile
"Joe, I'm pulling out of Strictly come dancing  this year and my Job in Australia " I said
"What. Dianne there you dream jobs" Joe said in shock
"Joe I need to be with you right now and the kids. I'm not ready to go back yet. I thought I was but I'm not" I said
"What about the job in Australia." Joe said
"My kids need me and Joe I need you and I need my friends and I just can't at the moment "I said
"Dianne, Are you sure ?" Joe said
"I've balled the bbc and my manger it's all sorted and it's official I'm not doing Strictly come dancing this year and I'm not going to Australia." I said
I kissed Joe and Zoe smiled .
We pulled away
"I very much ship it" Zoe said
We laughed quietly .
"I'm going to head to the hotel and leave you four alone" Zoe said getting off the sofa
"Thank for today Zoe"Joe said
Zoe hugged him tightly
"I'll be back to see you tomorrow " Zoe said
"Okay then" Joe said with a smile
Zoe pulled away from the hug and hugged me .
"See you tomorrow, Dianne" Zoe said
She pulled away from the hug and kissed the girls heads .
I stood up and walked her to the door .
"Thank for today " I said
"We're both looking out for him not matter what." Zoe said
"Always" I said
Zoe left.
I walked into the the living room and sat on the sofa .
Joe hugged me with one arm .
I snuggled int his chest and he kissed me head
If I could stop the pain you were going through right now Joe Sugg. I would give anything to do it .
Including my life

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