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Diannes pov
Monday  7 am.

The next day
I woke up beside Joe. He was snuggled up to me.
I smiled .
Although I was up every two hours I felt great.
I slowly got out  of bed and woke Dainelle.
I lifted her out her cot and carried her downstairs .
Byron was in the kitchen getting a glass of water
"Morning Dianne. How did you sleep ?" He asked
"Being up every 2 hours wasn't that bad but I still feel a little tired." I said
"How's Mr Sugg" He asked
"Sleeping . I know he hasn't had a good sleep in little over a week so I letting him sleep in" I said
"Glad to here "  Byron said
"Anyway I'm going back to bed but I'll see you later " He said .
I said goodbye and Byron walked back into his  bedroom.
I fed Danielle and then put her back in her cot after doing all the normal things you do with a baby.
I walked upstairs and woke Danni.
"Come on Danni playgroup" I said
She rolled over a couple times and rubbed her eyes .
She then slowly sat up and hugged me .
I picked her up out her bed and placed her down.
I made her breakfast and then ate mine.
I walked upstairs and walked into Mine and Joe's room.
He was still asleep. I saw a note on my beside table .
I walked over an picked it up
Dianne can you keep a secret. I hope so. I know everything about you and your boyfriend. I know everything about your friends and family and i know I could destroy you in seconds. I know your schedule and I know where you are 24 hours a day seven days a week.So listen carefully . I'm in control now. This is my little game and if you don't follow my rules I'm going to get very angry.
Love    xxx
What the fuck is going on. Is this some kind of prank, it's not Joes writing. I'm confused . That means someone in here or has been in here. If this is true someone's broke into this house. I grabbed Dainelle and then ran downstairs . I looked around the corner to see Danni playing on my phone .
I sighed and then walked upstairs and got changed .
A while later
Joe still wasn't awake and I didn't feel safe. Like I was being watched . I opened all the curtains and made sure the doors were locked . I opened the porch door to let some summer air in. Dainelle was having her nap. I was sat outside on my phone.
"Dianne " I heard Joe say
"Morning Joesph " I said
"Morning did you sleep okay" Joe said
"Yeah being up every two hours wasn't actually that bad" I said
"Dianne I said wake me up when you need help" Joe said
I stood up and kissed him
We pulled away and Joe gave me a pout
"You deserve sleep alright " I said
I kissed him
We pulled away and Joe smiled
We pulled away from out hug and Joe ran his fingers through his blonde highlighted hair. We walked back in the house and I made Joe breakfast .
As I served it up I took a sneaky look at Joes abs before turning my head away and blushing .
"You like what you see Miss Buswell" I heard Joe say
"Shut up Joe you love yourself sick " I said with a smile.
"You obviously love my beautiful abs" Joe said
"Oh please" I said with a smile
I loved moments like this .
There was a knock at the door.
I walked over and opened the door to see
Jack,Caspar, Mikey , Conner and Oli all standing in the doorway.
"Hiya boys I'm guessing your all here for Sugg. Come on in" I said letting them all in
"Joe your mates are here " I said
"Okay then tell them to come through " He said
I excused myself after the boys went to talk to Joe
I ran upstairs.
I went into our room and locked the door .
I Dilated the phone number on the sheet of paper
"Tell me what you want " I said
"Shhhh" a deep voice said
Call Ended
Chapter finish
I've noticed how much this now sounds like the Plot of Pretty little Liars. A show which I love but I wasn't going for that kind of vibe but it really seems like it when you read it back. Tell me who you think this new unknown character is . Things are bout to get very interesting
Jess xxx

My Little Glitterball  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now