Lied To

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She's Danni's mum"
"WHAT"They all said
"You know how Byron said she lied ,manipulated and used a lot of people. That's the way she got  pregnant. Byron can I see a pictire of her " I said
Byron took out his phone and showed me a picture
Beautiful long brown hair
Tanned skin
My best friend
Tears pricked my eyes
"That's her . I thought she's was so innocent and she lied to me about everything " I said. More tears fell from my face.
"She lied . She lied to me. Me and and Family . She lied to her own family. She ran away from everything. Just. For what.And now I have to tell her child who her mother really is . One day and guess what I can't do that. I've told her so many great things about her mum and they were all lies that she told me . I can't believe I was so fucking stupid" I yelled as I cried
Joe hugged me tightly.
"The question is Dianne where is she now" Byron said
"London. She never left." I said
"How can you fake your own death twice and never get caught" Joe said
"She lied her way out" Byron said
"I thought Emma was different . I don't even think her names Emma. Her whole life was a lie" Byron said
"She wants Danni" I said
"We need to get to the school now"Joe said
"We can all go" Zoe said
"Your right" Joe said
"I'm going to see Danni no matter what" I said
"Me , Byron and Dianne will head to the school while Zoe, Alfie and Emily stay with the kids" Joe said
"Right let's get moving " Byron said
I gave Dainelle to Emily. I kissed her head and grabbed my jacket and Shoes.
We rushed tot he elevator and to Joe's car.
We got in the car and Byron began to drive.
Joes phone began to ring
It was his manager
"I'm really sorry but something very serious come up. It's an emergency " Joe said
A few minutes later Joe put the phone down and tightened his grasp on my hand
"Don't worry it's all going to be alright. I promise " Joe said
"What if she's hurt" I said
"She's at the school Da- em- she could never hurt her" Joe said
We reached the school and pulled up outside the gates.
Byron stayed in the car just in case.
Me and Joe sped towards the school
We walked into reception and a lady walked over to the desk
"Hi is there any chance I could take out  Danni Buswell " I said
"I'm sorry Miss but she was taken out half an hour ago by a women called Emma Langley " the receptionist
"WHAT. Do you know who that women is. She's crazy. I'm Danni's foster mum. Her real mum faked her death ." I said
Panic struck me Joe looked at the receptionist in fear.
"I'm calling the police" the receptionist said
"Thank you" I said
"I'm alerting the staff as well this is very serious" She said
Danni's Pov
Im in a big van it's a women
She doesn't look like Zoe or Emily or Dianne. She looks scary
"Can I go back to Dianne and Joey now" I said
"Now I've got you Danni. All I need is Joe and we can be One Big happy family. Forever" she said
I'm scared
Save me

My Little Glitterball  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now