Chapter 79

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Sof:I walk and I see seb and jesses beating the shit out of each other I see seb just punching and punching nonstop and then Leila walks in and we both pull them apart I look at seb mad as hell and he was bleeding from the side of his face but jesse was bleeding WAY WAY WAY MORE I kinda felt bad and I pulled seb and we went back to our room I help him clean up and it looked like he needed stitches cause his cut was wide open I left him and I went to Oliver
Sof: Oliver
Sof:so seb and Jesse got in a fight
Oliver: WHAT!WHY!
Sophie: what happened
Sof:long story short the fight is over me
Sof: Dang it be like that sometimes since you want to blame me , you can go take care of your brother all I came to ask you is to take me and seb to the hospital because he needs stitches 🧵 but you want to be yelling at me and stuff I'm sorry bye I'm leaving
Sophie: Babe really
Oliver: Sofia I didn't mean it like that your my best friend I wouldn't blame you like that
Oliver: so tell me how this happened again
Sof:Later can you take seb to the hospital
Oliver: lets go
Sof: Oliver got seb and we drove to the hospital
Seb:*kisses Sofia * bye see you in 2 hrs 😂
Sof: bye baby😂
Oliver: can you tell me now
Sof: yeah, so you know Jesse kissed me when we were in Houston and seb got mad and Jesse kept texting me , and flirting with me then jesse came and asked if he can talk to me and I said no but seb was like just go because he keeps asking anyway I go he asks me why I told seb what happened and then he smacks me and hits my wrist so yeah seb got mad and went and fought Jesse and that's how it happened
Oliver: dang I'm sorry for yelling at you
Sof: it's ok
Oliver: *handshake*
*2 hrs later *
Nurse: he's ready you guys can go now just let his stiches heal and he needs to come back in 2 days
Sof: ok
Seb: hey guys
Oliver: 😂😂you look funny
Sof:*looks at Oliver with a serious face but not trying to laugh*
Seb: both of you really just laugh
*skip 3 hrs later *
Me and seb  watched Netflix and you know we both were editing Instagram pics what we usually do then it was around 3:00 we fell asleep and btw we were on the bus driving to Texas
Seb: gn babygirl
Sof:gn baby
*In the morning *
I woke up around 8:00 it was uncomfortable sleeping on the bus but i was sleeping on Sebastian leg 😂 anyways I went and changed this is what I wore

Sof:I walk and I see seb and jesses beating the shit out of each other I see seb just punching and punching nonstop and then Leila walks in and we both pull them apart I look at seb mad as hell and he was bleeding from the side of his face but jes...

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I got back and seb was on my phone I really didn't care so I took his phone and I went through it like he went through mine and I made sure to delete all the ugly pics of me even tho I'm ugly anyways we had about an hour left till we made it to Texas then we had to take a flight back to Florida ugh 😑
4 hrs later
We made it to Florida I'm actually ready to go back home about an hour later we got home my sister ran and hugged me I went and hugged my mom sebs mom was also waiting for us and she looked at seb shocked
Seb/m: seb what happened
Seb:*looks at sofia*
Sof: tell her
Seb:I'll tell you later it's a long story
Seb/m: you got stiches
Seb: yeah,* hugged sofia* and went him
I was tired af seb went home and I changed into some pjs and I just chilled in bed til seb ft me I talked to him about 3 hrs and I fell asleep

Hey guys kinda short chapter I'll try to make it more interesting if I get any ideas anyways love you guys bye also check out pandaGGHL story ❤️
Word count:712

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