chapter 3, its in your cards.

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Grace could hardly contain her smile as they pulled into Marchelloes parking lot, her heart begin to flip flop this was happening! This was really happening! For once the wound to tight Grace was letting loose, throwing caution to the wind, the hell with the consequences!

Grace didn't care! She was too high on the rush that came from breaking the rules. Maybe she was a bad kid now?

Yeah right, she knew better then that. The reality of it all was she would go back home tonight and real on what was going to happen to her once school started back up after fall break. But for here and now she was going to enjoy it.

She would just have to deal with Miss. Comers in two weeks. Maybe she'd forget?

"I'm so hungry! I'm gonna order a whole pizza." Pearson said pating his growling stomach.

"All to yourself?" Grace asked taking huge leap down to the ground down from the old pick up.

"Yulp!" Pearson said looking around the parking lot ,"And by the looks of it we are the only ones here so we won't even have to wait!" He said Doing a little victory dance.

Pearson spun on his heal and stopped in front of the cherry red Chevrolet and let out a whistled, "You think Ernie got a new car?"

He said walking a circling around the car,"Damb this is nice! You think he'll let me take it for a spin?"

She giggled,"You'll probably be driving him home tonight." Grace said gesturing with her hand as if she was titling a drink back.

Pearson nodded, "let's hope." He said eyeing it one more time before heading in the door.

Inside the place felt diffent it was like the energy had completely shifted from it's normal happy feeling to lonely and sad and Grace found herself wandering if this was how Ernie felt now that Sandie had passed away.

It had never dawned on Grace until just now that maybe that's why he extended the weekend hours to one am. He just didn't wanna be alone.

Grace trailed Pearson across the dimly lit room over towards the pool tables. But as she crossed the worn blue carpet flashes of Eanie eating alone in a room that was only lit by the tv began to unfolded before her eyes it was almost like she had teleported into his front room. It felt so real. She could almost swear that she smelled the must of the room and ammonia from the multiple cats in the little house.

Vivid imagination. That's what Donna (Her therapists) had said. Grace's wild imagination had been running away from her for as long as she could remember, little clips of people's lives and feelings would flash before her eyes. Especially when she was near someone that was going through some type emotional turmoil.

Donna said she should use this talent of hers to create stories and become a writer and that is exactly what she was going to do! One day.

Grace shook the feeling off the best she could. She was probably just projecting her own feelings of lonelyness anyhow.

But Still she found herself wanting to wrap that round out man in a bear hug when she seen him.

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