chapter idk

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aniyah pov

she handed me her phone and i read the messages

look what i got
*insert pic of de'aaras nudes*

how tf did u get that?
i didn't send it to anyone

you want me to delete it?
fist you gotta do something for me
i'm the only one who has them. soon everyone will

wtf do u want

break Zion and aniyah up. flirt with him
don't be nice to her.
oh, and james? him too

wow u a real stalker.
how do u know about james

got in touch with some of aniyahs 'friends' from high school and they
told me a bit bout james.

is that only way? i don't wanna do this to her
her an zion are a great couple.

if yu dont, these nudes, are going to be viral

fine! please don't.
i'll do it, but this isn't right malu
ur 15 u should be trying to get with a 18 yr old.
if that what floats ya boat

he was mine before she came. always mine.
now you have all of tomorrow to do it, if u don't,
guess who's going viral?

fine. this s going to be hard ion wanna do this.
bye then

i was shook. why would she blackmail her into breaking us up? she's crazy. she's 15!!
"i have a plan" i smirked. "what is it anything!" she asked. "she wants us to break up right? then we will" i say. De'aaras eyes widen. "no you guys can't break up! this is bad" she panicked.

"calm down, we won't actually break up. you will tell her that we did. then if zion agrees to this, he can invite her over and than we can take her phone and delete the nudes!"
i smiled. she smiled now knowing.

"Aniyah, i'm so sorry. i wouldn't have dont this if she didn't have my nudes and i didn't mean it and i would never want to break you guys up-" i cut her off
"it's okay, really. i would have done the same. it's okay, you were put in a really difficult situation, it's fine okay" i reassured her. she looked stressed. "alright let's go tell everyone. hey, don't worry, it's gonna be okay" i said, she nodded.

we walked downstairs to everyone and they looked at us weird. "so.... are y'all good? what happened" Austin said. "do you wanna tell them?" i asked De'aara. she nodded and began talking.

"okay so the reason i was being so rude to Aniyah was because i got a message from Malulu, and she said if i don't break up Aniyah and Zion, flirt with Zion or Be rude to her, she would....." she quite down. "it's okay tell them" i said to her. 
everyone looked at us confused. "she would.... leak my nudes from high school" she said looking at everyone's expression. Zion was shook. "that bitch!" Paris said furious, like everyone else.

"okay! but wait! we got a plan. Zion" i looked at him. "yes" he replied. "i need you to text her saying we broke up and if she wanted to come over than we can take her phone and delete them, she's the only one that had them" i said.
"aw hell to the No! i'm not letting a rat come in our house uh uh" Nick said crossing his arms. "guys, we have to, we can't let Her get exposed." i begged.
"i'm sorry guys. if i didn't have those then this would have never happened. i was in high school and dumb. i go forced to do it, i didn't want to..... i'm sorry" De'aara apologised for like the 10nth time. "it's okay, we are getting those nudes back!" Edwin says.
everyone laughed. "wait... uh not like that" he chuckled. "zion can u text her now." i asked.  he nodded and grabbed out his phone.

"done" he said. "she's coming over now" h stood up. "okay good, now zion we gotta act like we broke up" i said to him as he nodded.

"princess, i can't believe you went through all of this trouble just to get her back" Zion says to me. "well i had too, i can't just let her blackmail peopl like it's nothing, she needs revenge. and that's what she got" i smiled. he chuckled a kissed my forehead.


"guys that's her" Andrea says."everyone places!" i yell and run in the kitchen.
Zion went to open the door, "hey zion" she flirted checking him out. i gagged. 
"so i heard u and Aniyah broke up, what a shame." she touched his arm. Zion looked really uncomfortable. "yea, come in do u want anything?" he asked tryin not to be rude.
"no i just want u" she says. Zion fake laughs and sits on the couch. she is really touchy and zion's trying to shift away.

"i need to go to the bathroom, brb babe" she winked. BABE?! okay. this is my time.
when she came out of sit, the girls, the guys and i went to the sitting room where Zion was and grabbed her phone. "what's the password!?" i ask Zion. "485o388" he says.
i did the password and it worked.

i went onto camera roll and found her the nudes. "damn De'aara, i didn't know u were good at taking nudes" i laughed. i deleted it and made sure it was actually gone. i checked everything. it was gone!

i was going to lock the phone but i saw something that fought my eye. i looked closely and saw that it was MALUS NUDES. i jumped at the pic, it was... um... disrespectful and disgusting.

"yo malu has nudes!" i showed them. they gagged and i chuckled. "i need this," De'aara and i said, airdropping it, "just for blackmailing" we chuckled. then malu came back.

"what are you doing with my phone?!" she said mad. "oh we set you up, we didn't break up. that was a plan to get u over and delete De'aaras nudes and u fell for it." i laughed.
"what the fuck?! give me my phone" she snatched it off me. i fake jumped.
"oh! little feisty, we have ur nudes btw" her eyes widen. "so try us again and tHeSe NuDes wIlL Be VIrAl" i mocked her. she was furious and it was so funny. she stormed out the house.

we were all in the lounge talking. "hey let's go out tonight, like a squad dinner" Andrea suggested. "yeah, let's go to a restaurant" Austin added. "not just any restaurant, a fancy one, there's one like 30 minutes away." Edwin asked.
"yea let's go. are we dressing fancy?" i ask. "yes babygirl" zion chuckled.
"then we have to get ready in like an hour! we have to do our hair and makeup and find out what to wear and shoes" the girls and i ramble.
"okay! we get it! i'm gonna book it and you guys do what u do" Brandon says.

the girls and i hurry around the house to get ready, even tho it was three hours away.

the boys were chilling on the couch not worried about a thing, which made me worry even more. than i had a plan that will probably mind fuck the boys in many different ways.

"yo guy, lets dress really good tonight like, sexy as" i whisper to the girls. they nod agreeing. "oh its gonna be so funny" Diana says. " we gon tease them tonight" we laughed.

"okay so wear something that shows off your curves and has cuts so it looks really good" i added. they all nod knowing exactly what to wear. "they are not gonna know whats coming" Andrea say.

three hours go by and we havent spoke to the guys yet. they would come and knock to come in but we say no and make up an excuse. it was six and we had our dinner at seven thirty.

the girls and i were done and had everything perfect. before we walked downstairs to the boys, we checked our selfs. we looked so sexy lemme tell you. i mean shit, i would fuck me too.

"yall ready?" i asked, "lets go" we held hands and walked downstairs to the boys....


I LOVE DOING THESE, yes, i finally updated after what? months. im sorry, i didnt forget i just had no ideas or was to lazy to do it.

but i hope you like it, im updating all my books so u can go check em out,


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