2 - Mary Margaret

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                It was a couple of days later when Emma's stomach protested violently against the lack of food it had received. Scared of running into the evil mayor again, she had opted to stay inside the abandoned library. She found a bathroom in the back with running water still making hiding even easier.

She spent her time reading the large storybook she found on her first night. It was fascinating. It was about the fairytales and characters she knew but the stories were different. The story of Snow and Charming was her favorite. Henry would have loved it.

Even though she was used to being hungry, it was beginning to be more than she could bear. She had some money saved up but didn't want to use it. She would need it for when she had to run. It was never a matter of if, only a matter of when. She wouldn't be able to stay in this small town forever.

Gathering her things into her small backpack, she made sure to grab the storybook. It was too amazing to leave on a shelf to gather dust. She reluctantly left the safety of the library and headed into town. Pausing momentarily, she glanced back at the clock tower. Surprised she realized it was working. How strange, she could have sworn it was broken before. She realized she must have been mistaken and continued on her way into town.

She passed by Granny's and eventually came to a small grocery store. A bell chimed as she entered. She scanned the store only seeing the one person behind the counter and one other customer on the far side. Fortunately this would be relatively easy. No security cameras, she noted as she continued to survey the joint.

Turning down the snack aisle, she began grabbing a few things here and there. Each one was slyly slid in her jacket and out of sight. She had just made it to the end of the aisle when a body blocked her path. She froze, heart pounding, and looked up at the person.

The woman had short jet black hair and pale skin. She was carrying a small basket and had a sad but kind smile on her face. Emma didn't know what to make of her. The woman had kind eyes but she had also stopped her which meant she was probably going to turn her in. Glancing to the store door, Emma contemplated making a run for it.

"Did you find everything that you needed?" the woman asked her. Emma looked back at her in confusion. The woman held her basket out towards Emma. "You can put it all in the basket. That way you don't have to carry everything."

Emma didn't know what this woman was playing at but she knew she was caught. Reluctantly she pulled the various items from their hiding places and placed them in the basket. Once she was done, the woman began walking back down the aisle toward the register.

Emma's eyes widened in shock when the woman grabbed another of each item Emma had chosen. Emma followed her up to the register where she proceeded to purchase everything. Grabbing the bags, the woman walked them out to her car. Emma walked behind her not knowing what else to do. Once she put the bags in her trunk, the woman turned to Emma.

"I'm Mary Margaret," she said cheerfully sticking out her hand.

"Emma." Reluctantly she took Mary Margaret's hand shaking it once before dropping it.

"Nice to meet you, Emma." Emma just nodded. Before the woman could say anything else, Emma's stomach let loose a horrendous growl which was followed by a cramp causing Emma to wince in pain. Emma was surprised to see the ever present smile on Mary Margaret's face falter.

"Now Emma, I have a few different options that you can choose from. Option A, I give you your food and you walk away to wherever you came from. Option B, we can go get something nice and warm to eat at Granny's and get to know each other a little better. Or Option C, we can go back to my place and I can cook you some food and we can talk. What do you think?"

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