7 - Taken

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Emma stared at the mayor's house from behind a tree across the street from the mansion. No one appeared to be home. She took a couple of deep breaths to settle herself. She could do this. She needed answers. What better place to start than the evil queen's home?

She glanced around making sure she was alone before she headed across the street and into the mayor's yard. Quickly, she made her to the backyard surveying the house. There. One of the windows on the main floor was exactly what she was looking for.

She made her way to it pulling out her trusty lock pick tool. The lock was simple and took her almost no time at all to unlock. Soon enough she was crawling through the window. Dropping down, she found herself in the laundry room off of the kitchen. The picture of the evil queen doing laundry suddenly made her want to laugh but she quickly pushed it down. There were more important things to do.

Emma quickly made her way through the house and up the stairs looking into every room as she went. She stopped when she came to an office. It seemed like a good place to hide secrets. She looked through the desk and was moving on the shelves but she wasn't finding anything at all. She was focused on her task which is probably why she didn't hear the car pull up or a person heading up the stairs until it was too late.

"What are you doing in here?" a sharp voice demanded. Emma jumped to attention turning to the doorway. The evil queen herself stood with her arms crossed, her eyes demanding answers. Emma gulped thinking over her options.

"Nevermind, it doesn't matter. I'm calling the police," Regina told her snidely pulling out her cell phone. Emma had to do something but what?

"I wouldn't if I were you," Emma said trying to sound confident. Fake it till you make it and all. Regina raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, really? Why is that?" Regina asked her. Emma walked around the desk to stand in front of the woman. This woman cursed her family. She took her parents from her before she ever could know them. She was the cause of all of this. Anger pushed any fear Emma was feeling away.

"Because I know your secret," Emma told her. She didn't want to reveal that she knew about the curse. That would probably only lead to the evil queen getting rid of her in a permanent way. But someone like Regina definitely had more than one secret. "Wouldn't want it getting out now would we?"

Before Regina could reply, Emma walked around her practically strutting out of the house. The only way out of this was to seem confident. She let her anger fuel her confidence. She was down stairs before she heard Regina following her. She glanced at the woman before she headed outside.

"One day soon your reign of terror will be over," Emma warned her before heading out of the house.

Regina stood there is shock. She was just threatened by a child. But the wording of the threat caught her attention. Emma was an outsider. She wasn't supposed to be able to enter town let alone stay here as long as she had. Regina didn't buy the whole niece of Mary Margaret lie for a minute. She knew everyone in this town.

There was no way Emma knew about the curse. But for some reason Regina couldn't get the knowing look that the kid had out of her head. Bringing her cell phone in front of her, she dialed the familiar number.

"We have a situation. Give me everything you can find on our newest resident."


Mary Margaret asked where Emma had been and Emma lied and told her the park. Emma was going to head into her room when Mary Margaret called her back. She looked conflicted about something. Emma reluctantly sat down beside her bracing for the worst. Was she going to kick her out? Did the mayor call her?

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