9 - Faith

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David and Mary Margaret immediately took Emma to the hospital. The doctors couldn't find any reason for her apparent coma and treated her other wounds as well. David stared at the young girl who might be his daughter. The thought of someone hurting her filled him with rage.

They exited the hospital to search for answers only to run into Regina. Regina was shocked to see the two of them together. This whole curse was to keep them apart. Mary Margaret spotted her first and stormed over to her.

"Is it true?" she demanded. Regina looked at her confused.

"Is what true?" Regina asked.

"The curse, Emma's storybook, everything, is it true?" Mary Margaret's voice was harsh. David stared at Regina with thinly veiled contempt. If it was true, this was all her fault. She caused all of this.

"Of course not," Regina replied scoffing. Internally she was panicking. That young girl was more trouble than she thought.

"Really? Because Emma is currently in a coma because she ate one of the apple turnovers you gave me, now I ask you again is it true?"

"Why would she do that? Those were for you," Regina declared the shock getting the best of her. She froze realizing what she just revealed.

"It's true," David stated stunned. "You cursed us. You poisoned Emma. You poisoned my daughter." He charged at Regina but Mary Margaret held him back.

"But you can fix it then," Mary Margaret said hopefully. "You have magic. You can save Emma." Regina shook her head. The reality setting in on her. How did she not know that Emma was their child? How did they hide her from her?

"That was the last of my magic," Regina admitted causing Mary Margaret's face to fall. "Even if I had any, I wouldn't save her. Now you'll know loss just like me." With that she stormed away before they could stop her. Mary Margaret looked at David hopelessly.

"What are we going to do?" she cried. "We have to save her but I don't know anything about magic."

"There has to be someone in this town, besides Regina, that does," David said his mind frantically searching for anything that could work. "But who?" Mary Margaret thought about it as well and there was someone who always seemed to know more than he revealed. David seemed to reach the same conclusion at the same time. The looked at each other and spoke at the same time.


They practically ran to Gold's shop. There were a few worried shouts that they left in the dust. There were more important things at stake right then.

"How can I help you?" Gold greeted them as they stormed into his shop. Mary Margaret suddenly froze not really knowing how best to go about this. If he didn't know about the curse and magic they would seem crazy just like Emma had seemed to her. She reminded herself that when, not if, Emma wakes up she owed the girl an apology.

"Do you know about the curse?" David asked him obviously not having the same awareness as Mary Margaret who just sighed and hoped they were right. Gold looked them over smirking.

"Well, isn't this interesting," he stated. "You are still cursed but you seem to know about it somehow. How did that happen?"

"So you do know," Mary Margaret breathed a sigh of relief. "Do you have magic?"

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